Arthur Morgan: More Important Part 2

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Arthur Morgan X Female Reader

Summary: Tragedy strikes, leaving Arthur alone and heart broken, but not everything is how it seems. Lies get revealed and Arthur makes an important decision, one that he knows is for the better.

Word Count: 4300

The camp had been tense recently, it was like nobody trusted each other. Maybe they didn't. It felt like the gang was getting split into two groups, the ones who would follow Dutch into the depths of Hell and those who were coming to their senses.

Dutch was losing his mind, getting paranoid. He was accusing Arthur and John of betraying him or not being loyal every other day, while he worked closely with Micah Bell of all people. It was insanity to you. How could he turn his back on the two men who stood by him through everything and listen to Micah's lies?

Micah rode into the camp and dismounted his horse, returning from the job that he went on this morning. It must have took him a while because it was late afternoon now.

"Dutch...a word?" Micah asked as he walked through the camp, speaking loud enough for everyone to hear. The other gang members looked between each other, a little curious.

"Sure" Dutch nodded before they both disappeared into his tent. The rest of the gang brushed it off, it was probably nothing. Arthur turned his attention back to securing the saddle to his horse properly.

"Arthur, you heading out?" John asked as he walked over.

"Yeah, just going to ride into town and see if I can find Y/n" Arthur told him.

"Is everything alright?" John asked, frowning a little.

"Probably...she went into town to collect some things for Dutch but it's just been a while, too long for a quick pick up job. It's getting dangerous around here, I just want to make sure everything is alright" Arthur explained.

"Makes sense, I understand" John nodded. Everyone was on edge now, he couldn't blame Arthur for being worried about you.

Arthur nodded and was about to mount his horse but Dutch walked over to them. "Arthur, son...we need talk" he told the younger man, a serious expression on his face.

"Can it wait?" Arthur asked. He would rather be looking for you.

"No, it can't. I'm sorry" Dutch shook his head.

Arthur and John shared a suspicious glance before Arthur gave in and followed Dutch back through the camp. They stepped into Dutch's tent, where Micah was already waiting, and the canvas closed behind them.

"What's going on?" Arthur asked. He didn't like the look of this at all.

"You should sit down, Arthur" Dutch suggested as he gestured towards one of the chairs in his tent. Arthur looked between them, confused and a little suspicious, but sat down on the chair anyway. "Mr Bell has just informed me of something. Now son, I want you to remember that we're family and we are here for you" he reminded him, only concerning Arthur more.

"What's going on?" Arthur repeated his question, wanting a straight answer.

"It seems that Y/n got into some trouble in Saint Denis" Dutch told him.

"Is she alright?" Arthur asked as he suddenly stood up.

"Arthur" Dutch placed his hand on his shoulder and gently sat him back down. "I'm sorry...I really am but...Y/n was killed" he informed him.

"What?" Arthur managed to ask, the words bouncing around in his head. "You're lying" he shook his head, pointing accusingly at Micah.

"I'm not, Morgan. Saw it myself" Micah assured him, sounding completely unsympathetic.

Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and Oneshots 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora