Charles Smith: Little Family

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Charles Smith X Female Reader

Summary: You and Charles have a son, Jack's age, in the camp.

S/n = Son's name

Word Count: 1100

You were sitting in the camp, speaking with Sadie. Charles was out of the camp with your son, the two of them spending some time together.

Charles wanted to teach your son some of the things that his parents had taught him, he wanted your son to grow up with the same appreciation for the wilderness and nature that he had. And you were more than happy with that, it was something that you actually wanted as well. If your son turned out to be anything like Charles, you would be proud of him. The three of you often went camping together, you and Charles wanted there to be times were you could just be a little family for a while. Getting away from the camp was a perfect opportunity for that. Your son always enjoys those trips so it was a win-win situation.

"Mom!" your son's voice interrupts your conversation with Sadie, making you turn your attention to the sound. You and Sadie chuckles when you both saw your son waving at you from atop his father's shoulders, as Charles walked towards you.

You and Sadie said your quick goodbyes before you stood up and walked over to Charles and your son. You smiled at Charles as you approached them both, earning a happy smile in return.

"Did you have a good time?" you asked, looking up at the young boy.

"Yep!" you son smiled brightly, patting his father's shoulder as if to tell him to put him down.

"Good" you laughed softly as Charles lifted your son down from his shoulders, placing him safely on the ground. "Have you eaten?" you asked.

"No, Daddy said we have to wait until we get back" your son shook his head, looking up at his father.

"Well lets go and get you some food then" you smiled, quickly kissing Charles' cheek before ushering your son away to get something to eat. You sat him down at one of the tables with Jack, both of them with food in front of them, before walking over to the campfire were Charles had sat down.

"Did you have a good day?" you asked as you sat down beside him.

"Of course" Charles nodded, turning his attention to you with a gentle smile.

"He really enjoys those trips, y'know. He's just like you" you told him, leaning against his arm slightly.

"He has your enthusiasm, though" he nudged you, making you look up at him again. You smiled up at him as he sipped his head down, capturing your lips in a short kiss.

"Mom, Dad!" your son called as he ran over to you both, making up both pull apart and look at him. "Jack is going fishing with Uncle Arthur, can I go? Please?" he asked, his eyes wide and pleading as he looked up at you both.

You and Charles looked at each other, pretty sure what the other's answer would be. Charles just nodded at you before you both looked back at your son.

"Sure, just be careful, okay?" you nodded, smiling softly at him.

"I promise" your son beamed, excitement clear on his face.

"Come on, let's go get your fishing rod then" Charles smiled as he stood from his seat, patting his son's shoulder before guiding him over to your tent.

You had absolutely no problem with letting your son go fishing with Arthur and Jack. You and Charles have always trusted Arthur to be responsible for your son, you both trusted him to keep your son safe. Arthur was definitely your son's favourite uncle and that was fine by the two of you.


Jack and S/n were playing on the outskirts of the camp, away from the other members of the gang but making sure to stay in view of everyone. The two of them holding sticks and using them as swords as they play fought, laughing between themselves.

Charles walked past the two boys, a fond smile appearing on his face when he saw them playing, as he carried a hay bale over to the horses. He placed the hay bale down before heading back into the camp, passing the two boys again.

"Dad!" your son's voice caught Charles' attention, making him turn to the boys, who were now looking at him. "Come play with us" he asked, picking up another stick that looked just like the ones that they were using.

"Yeah, Uncle Charles!" Jack nodded, also encouraging the man to join in.

"Alright, alright" Charles chuckled, nodding as he walked over to them. Your son held out the similar stick to him, and Charles took the 'weapon' before joining in with their game.

A smile spread out over your face when you saw the three of them playing, the two boys ganging up on Charles and making you laugh. You just stood and watched for a moment, a fond smile on your face. You loved these moments, watching the two most important people in your life relaxing and having fun.

"Well, that's just the sweetest thing I've ever seen" Karen commented as she moved to stand beside you, a smile on her face as well.

"Isn't it just?" you asked rhetorically. In a strange way, you just felt so proud of what you had created, of what you had with Charles and your son. Your little family.


It was pretty late in the evening, you knew that it wouldn't be long before other members of the gang started heading to their bedrolls for the night. You and Charles were sitting at the campfire along with some other members of the gang, Javier playing his guitar, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

You lent into Charles, sharing his body heat in the cool evening air. Your rested your head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around you, holding you a little closer to him. You were pulled out of your thoughts by a gentle tap on your shoulder, making you pull away from Charles slightly and turn to face whoever was looking for your attention. A small smile grew on your face when you saw that it was your son, looking tired.

"S/n, are you alight?" you asked gently. Your son just nodded before walking around to stand in front of you, silently climbing onto your lap.

"Tired?" Charles asked him, running a hand over his son's messy hair.

Your son just nodded again before cuddling into you both, a small yawn escaping him. You both smiled fondly as you rested your head on Charles' shoulder again, Charles tightening his hold on you ever so slightly and kissing the top of your head. These were the moments that you wished you could just live in forever.


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