You Give them Hickeys, They Get Revenge

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Request: you give them hickeys and they want revenge because people keep commenting on them.


During the moment Arthur didn't think much of you leaving hickeys along his neck, he was just focused on the sensation. It wasn't until the next morning that he realised that you had left pretty visible hickeys on his neck, above the collar of his shirt, he couldn't hide them. Maybe people wouldn't notice? Pretending that the hickeys didn't exist, he wandered around the camp like he usually would. It was John that first noticed the marks, making an amused comment about it. After that, everyone started commenting on it. Some of the men teasingly congratulated him, playfully patting him on the back and making him blush up a storm. Throughout the day the comments continued and finally Arthur had enough. So, that night he decided to get his revenge. You were surprised by his actions. As soon as he stepped into your shared tent, he pulling you against him and started attacking your neck with kisses. This was a completely new side of him but you couldn't complain. The next morning, your neck was covered in hickeys. Arthur just told you that it was your turn to get the comments.


Normally it was Dutch giving you the hickeys but he couldn't complain about the turn of events, he was actually enjoying you paying so much attention to him. When he is getting dressed the next morning, he realised that there was noway he could hide them from the others. When people started commenting about them, Dutch would roll his eyes and wave them away. He tried to ignore the comments but they were relentless and just kept coming. When he first saw the hickeys that you had left behind, he knew that he was going to have to punish you for it but know he was even more determined. That night, Dutch barely gave you a chance to talk before pinning you to the bed and pressing kisses to your neck. In the morning you were covered in hickeys, the ones on your neck clearly visible and unable to be hidden. Dutch just smirked and told you that it was your turn. So, you went through the day and endured the comments. You could see Dutch smirking or laughing whenever somebody commented on the marks on your neck.


When you left your first hickey on his collarbone, he warned you not to get too crazy, to not leave them where people would be able to see them. He reminded you that he was the one who marked you, not the other way around. But you were relentless so he gave up and let you do what you wanted to do. He warned you that he would punish you if you didn't listen to him. It was the next morning that he saw you had left some visible hickeys above the collar of his shirt. He already knew that he was going to get you back for this. Micah didn't really care when people started commenting about them. What? He was getting fucked, why should he care what they were saying? That night, Micah got his revenge on you. He made sure to cover your neck in hickeys. He made sure to leave them every where, just below your ear and under your jaw, so that you definitely wouldn't be able to hide them in the morning. You thought his were visible? Well, he would make your twice the size and two times darker. Showing off a little bit? Maybe. Whenever somebody commented on the marks the next day, Micah would smirk.


Charles wasn't about to complain when you started leaving hickeys behind on his neck, he really didn't mind it. You wanted to do it and he was happy to let you do it. The next morning, he realised that the marks were visible over the collar of his shirt. He had expected that but didn't really care. Charles didn't really care about the comments he got from the other members of the gang. He wasn't ashamed about having those marks on his neck, their comments were playful and he knew that they didn't mean any real harm. So, it wouldn't really bother him. It just might get a little annoying after so long. That night, Charles still thought it would be suitable to get his own back. He made sure to scatter your neck with hickeys, you didn't even notice what he was doing until the next morning when you were getting dressed. There was noway you could hide them. Charles would just smile at you when you shot him a glare, he knew that you wouldn't be mad at him.

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