John Marston: Bait

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John Marston X Female Reader

Summary: The O'Driscolls take you as bait to lure the gang into a trap but it doesn't go as planned. As soon as John finds out that you, his girlfriend for the last couple of years, was in danger he was determined to get you back safely.

Word Count: 2900

John and a few other members of the gang were out of the camp on a job and you had gone out on a separate job. The job that you were running was small and simple which was why you had gone on your own, you thought that it would take about an hour or maybe two but not any longer than that.

It was about midday when John and the others arrived back at the camp. They had all noticed that you weren't back yet and it concerned them since they knew that the job you were on wasn't particularly challenging but they figured that they should give you some more time before they started panicking.

Everyone's attention turned toward the horses when they heard a horse galloping into the camp. John's brow furrowed in concern and confusion when they realised that it was your horse with you riding on top of it.

John hurried over to your horse, taking it by the reins and stroking his hand down the animal's neck as he tried to calm it. He continued to stroke his hand over the horse's mane and affectionately pat it until it relaxed, finally stilling. John was about to hitch your horse but paused when he saw a note pinned to the horse's saddle.

Once he hitched the horse, John took the note from the saddle and unfolded it. John could feel nausea filling his gut as he read the note.

In summary, the note explained that you have been kidnapped by some O'Driscolls. They had even left the location of the camp that they were holding you at. It was obviously a trap and John knew that, they were going to be ready for the van der Linde gang's arrival. However, John would risk that if there was a chance you would be okay and he would get you back alive.

Everyone had watched John calm and hitch the horse, each one of them wondering why you hadn't return with the animal. Arthur frowned slightly when he noticed that John was reading something. Curious about whatever John was reading, Arthur walked over to the other man.

"What's that?" Arthur asked as he stood beside John, looking over his shoulder in an attempt to read the note as well.

John turned to Arthur with widened, worried eyes as he pushed the note towards his friend. Arthur took the note and read it before looking back at John with a similar expression. He knew that John was on the verge of freaking out and he wanted to prevent that.

"I'll go get the others" Arthur assured John, about to walk away but paused before turning back to him. "She's going to be okay, John" he promised his friend, giving him a sincere look.

John just nodded, he wanted to say something but he was lost for words. He waited by the horses anxiously, his foot beginning to bounce impatiently. How long did it take for Arthur to tell the others what was happening? Why was nobody rushing over here? John just couldn't understand why nobody was hurrying to help you and the longer he waited, the more anxious and impatient he got.

John knew that they couldn't just hang around the camp all day, you need their help and god knows what those O'Driscolls are doing to you. Why weren't the others understanding this?

Tired of waiting around, John marched back into the camp. Once he got further into the camp, he saw Arthur standing with Dutch and Hosea, the three of them talking between themselves.

"Arthur, what's taking so long?" John asked as he approached him from behind.

"John-" Dutch began to speak, hoping to calm down the younger man but John didn't give him much chance to speak.

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