You are a Child Living on the Streets and You Try to Pickpocket Them

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When Arthur feels someone trying to pickpocket him, he grabbed your wrist and turned to you. As soon as he realised that he was now staring down a child, he felt like an asshole. It was pretty clear that you were living on the streets and didn't have any money to live on. His first thought is to just give you some money and send you on your way but as he is pulling the money out, he feels guilty for sending you back to the dangerous streets. He will offer you a place at the camp, trying to earn your trust enough for you to know that he isn't going to harm you or turn you in. If you refuse to go with him, he will give you a decent amount of money and wish you luck.


You are his child now. I'm not joking, Dutch has a thing for adopting children in need. He adopted Arthur 'the street rat' Morgan and John 'feral raccoon' Marston, so now he is adopting you, the homeless pickpocket. When Dutch catches you trying to pickpocket him, he stops you (obviously) but then asks you what you are doing. When you get scared, he is quick to reassure you that you are alright and that he isn't going to take you to the sheriff's office or anything. When he finds out that you are alone and homeless, it's official. You are an adopted member of the van der Linde gang now.


As soon as Micah notices you trying to pickpocket him, he has grabbed your wrist in his hand and is holding above your head. That's the first time that he actually examines you and the situation. When he realises that you're just a kid, he decides to take some mercy but he's still going to ask you what the hell you think you're doing. He huffs when you don't answer him, then asking you if you have a place to live or anything, since it looks like you live on the streets. When you explain that you're alone and homeless, he huffs to himself and takes a moment to think about what he should do next. Realistically, Micah is just going to send you on your way. However, there is some humanity buried deep deep down within him. He'll take you the camp, letting Dutch decide what to do with you.


When Charles caught you trying to pickpocket him, he instinctively catches your wrist, his hold instantly loosening when he saw that you were a child. Feeling bad for scaring you, he kneels down to your height in a hope to come across as less intimidating. He assures you that he won't harm you or hand you over to the law, before asking you what you were doing. When he finds out that you are alone and homeless, there is noway he could live with himself if he just sent you back to the streets. So he would ask you to trust him, telling you about the camp and explaining that you could stay there. He is pretty confident that Dutch would be okay with it.


When Javier caught you trying pickpocket him, he instantly caught your wrist in his hand. But when he looked down and saw that you were a child, who now looked afraid, he would release your wrist and gently place his hand on your shoulder instead as he knelt down to your level. He will tell you to hold on before you run away, assuring that he wouldn't harm you or turn you in. When he finds out that you are alone and homeless he knew that he couldn't just send you back to living on the streets. Dutch had took him in when he needed somewhere to stay and Javier was confident that he would accept you as well.


When Sean catches you trying to pickpocket him, he'll grab your wrist and run his mouth a little about how you dared to rob him. However, he instantly shuts up when he sees that you are just a child and that you're clearly afraid. He suddenly puts on a cheerful smile, and crouches down to be more level with your height. He tries to calm you down and assures you that he isn't going to harm you or turn you in. He manages to get you to relax since he comes off as so friendly. He asks why you were trying to rob him and when he found out that you and alone and homeless, he practically announces that you can stay at the camp. There is no way he could feel good about himself if he just let you leave and continue to live on the streets.

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