Chapter 16

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"What do you have to tell me Joey " I ask.
"So I was thinking I like us better as friends but I also wanna fuck" he looked at the floor.

"What are you trying to say?" I questioned.
"Let's be friends with benefits " He looked up smirking.

I took a deep breath.


"I knew you would freak out "

"Yea fucking right fuck no I'm not being friends with benefits with you"

"The rules are we can't catch feelings for each other , don't matter how many times we fuck and how good our sex is keep our feelings to our self" he says calmly.

"Go home take a hot shower and think about it I'll be expecting an answer by noon"

I walked out the door forgetting my shoes.

"Yea your shoes is upstairs still" he laughs.

"Shut up" I giggle running up the stairs grabbing my shoes and running out the door.

When I got home I did exactly what Joey said.
I turned on my shower to the hottest and grabbed a towel.

When the hot water hit my back I let my thoughts run over me.

Joey is a nice guy when he wants to be and all but I don't know about friends with benefits I know I'm gonna catch feelings if I didn't already.
But on the other side many girls would love to have sex with Joey I mean he's the one and only Joey Birlem .

I guess I could be friends with benefits with him but I'll love him in bed and hate him in public.

I quickly washed up and washed my hair.

My head still aching and my vision still blurry .

I'm guessing it's a hangover. My sister told me that hangovers suck and drinking milk will help. So I made a cup of milk in a coffee cup I started to think about Lexi so I called her.

Lexi✨💫 and Maddie on the phone conversation;
Lexi:" Hello"
Me: "Hey Lexi how are you feelings how's that flu holding up ?"
Lexi: "it's still really bad I don't know if I'm gonna be at school"
Me: "Shit I hope you get better is there anyway I could come over and talk to you "
Lexi: " Uh...Um.. no I don't get you sick .... you know....  it *cough cough * really sucks being sick "
Me: "uh okay Lexi just checking in on you call me when you get another chance I have a lot to tell you about "
Lexi: "okay bye madz Love you "
Me: "Bye love you too"
End of conversation

* incoming call from Joey ❤️*
Start of conversation
Me: "yes Joey?"
Joey: "did you make up ur mind can we be friends with benefits?"
Me:"Yea I guess Joey "
Joey: "okay good don't wear panties on Monday " he hung up before I could even ask why.

End of conversation.

I looked over at my wall by the kitchen and I seen a picture of me and Karla at our first dance competition. Than I remember dance I haven't been going to practice I think I wanna quit but No I been doing this my whole life.
Then I seen a picture of me, my mom, Mia my sister, and a man next to us at the beach. My mom says he's my uncle but I don't remember him I was only 3. I kinda wish my life would go back to normal. I wish my mom would call me more and stay home away from those business trips I wish my sister was here at home with me being a real sister not laid up with different guys ever night and partying for a living.

GOODNIGHT IM SLEEPY |how do you feel about this chapter? Is there anything I could do to make this chapter or any chapter better? Is Lexi lying to Maddie if you think so what would she be lying about?|

- 674 words💫✨

Friends with benifits?! ;DIRTY JMB Fanfic  (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now