Chapter 54 - plot twist ??

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Quick note : just in case you forgot Alexis is Madison's best friend . She has cancer and is "in a relationship " with Charles. Mads who?? jk jk but yeah. This is probably one of the most important chapters so read through.

- Alexis
- Tuesday evening
BEING trapped in a hospital is INCREDIBLY BORING! Like yeah. What else would it be ? Fun? Ha ha no. B O R I N G

" I promise you , we could get through this" my mom takes a deep breath then rests her hand on my thigh.

" Yeah, I know." I lie my head back onto the hospital bed.

I know I'm not gonna get through this. My life will pretty much end soon.

I have cancer. It's really called thyroid cancer stage 4 , according to my doctor. Basically metastasis is forming in my lungs . When I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer I had to start walking around with a machine wrapped around me .
With A little oxygen placed inside of this looking backpack. I was too embarrassed and scared to go to school.

It all started that one night . Charles took me on our third date to the movies. He told me he started liking me . He had just asked me out. I said yes. I felt like the happiest girl on earth, a boy never said that to me. When I was ready to go to bed that night I started having neck pain, it started when 11th grade started .

My mom told me to take pain pills, I did. The pain would slowly calm down .

But that day coming back from Charles and I date. It was worse. I was so excited to tell Karla and Maddie when we got to school.

I woke up in the middle of the night with pain in my neck and short of my breath . It gotten worse every breath I took.

I called out my mom and dad and next thing I know I was rushed to the ER. ( emergency room)

They put me on a machine. They also said I blacked out.

I was so scared. After 2 days in the hospital my doctor finally came in with papers. She told us what I had. I felt so scared, i never thought that this is happening to me.

I didn't show I was scared though. I continued being me.

I got sent home and I had to cut my hair. I didn't know how to tell my friends or my boyfriend. It was terrifying.

Luckily my mother is a doctor.

I had doctor appointments every week. I'm lucky I'm alive .

Anyways I'm gonna get into the point.

You guys are probably thinking Charles was Maddie's.

That's true, he was.

He felt uncomfortable in the relationship.
He always felt like joey and Madison had a thing.

It all didn't make sense because Maddie and Joey were just friends.

But now it all makes sense, if you know what I mean.

He told me that he needed to be happy for joey and he thinks Madison is just right for him.
So why aren't they dating ? I have no idea!
Charles said that Joey was in a past relationship with a girl named Chrissy, who used him for fame, money, and sex.

" Joseph was hurt, he thought they had something. Then after that he started Wildin" Charles told me .

" Joey would keep going back to her. It was like unhealthy on and offs " he said .

He also told me that Joey would go through problems with his family. His real dad. How people would leave in and out of his life.

I felt really bad. I bet if Madison knew all of this she would understand and not really take his fuck boy ways to the heart.

I would tell Madison but Charles told me and he trust me enough to keep his secrets.

When Madison explained the fwb - FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS- Thing I was shocked.

It's unhealthy. I should of told her. But no. 

Madison is one of a kind. She has this amazing personality. But since high school started she started getting different.

Her and Karla would just talk about guys. I opened up to Karla and told her could we at least talk about something different while I was here. But no. Karla the big mouth one said something rude like " Just because you're lonely and feel like you aren't gonna get a boyfriend doesn't mean you have to ruin our life with them !" . I ran out of her house slamming her door.

Karla wasn't really our best friend. She was just there.

I remember that was the last day I spoken to Karla. I was gonna prove to her I could get a boyfriend.

That was the night I went on the date with Charles. The next day at school I was gonna shove it in Karla's face.

I rehearsed it and everything.

But that's when this happened.

It feels like my life is getting thrown away so quickly.

Next summer I was gonna go on tour with Charles.

But this happened.

I'd rather die than to see Charles walk away from me to be with another girl.

But again I want him to be happy.

Take her on tour.

Grow old with her.

Take my place.


12:05 pm
The doctor and Mom came in.

Moms serious face was on.

Dad stood up from the chair .

And at this moment I knew something was really serious.

" Alexis ." The doctor says.

" I'm gonna die ?" I ask.

" tomorrow will be your last day. "  the doctor said.

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Friends with benifits?! ;DIRTY JMB Fanfic  (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now