Chapter 56 - high school joey ?

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- Madison
I think I made my decision. I thought about how much better and how many choices I will get if I move .

New friends , maybe a boyfriend, a future . Everything I could ask for is probably waiting in New York City for me.

A bigger house . More things. I know now. This is my decision. I'm moving to my new home with my mom.

I can forget about everything with joey.

I walk upstairs and knock on his door.

" come in"  he's shirtless when I walk in. Sitting on the corner of his bed.

I sit next to him.

" so. did you make your choice?" He says with a deep breath.

My mission is to get through telling him without crying or showing emotion .

" Yes.... yes I did" I fold my hands and put them on my thighs , trying to find the most comfortable way to tell him this .

" what is it ?" He looks at me.

" I'm leaving my new home. With my mother , and yeah." I take a deep breath.

" new home ? You mean New York?" He asks.

" yes. " I reply .

It's quiet for a minute.

He puts his hands on his head and leans back onto the bed.

" Look, I'm not trying to hurt your feelings or anything but -"

" feelings ?" He cuts me off.

" Yes?"

" feelings?!" He lets out a playful laugh .

" you think I have feelings?" He shouts out the I part.

" do you?" I question.

" not for some people" he says .

" okay , well it's good to know that you're moving " he adds.

" good ?" I question again.

" not in that kind of way . Like ... I'm glad you told me so I don't have to sit up all night thinking about a dumb choice you're gonna make that will eventually not even matter to me " he says.

No way! I know he's not gonna seat up here and make me feel like the bad person.

" what do you mean?"

" I mean... it's not that hard to do the same type of things I do with you to another girl " 

And at this moment I feel like I'm talking to the old high school Joey .

Not the one that prevent me to jumping into a water fall, not the one I told my darkest secret to, not the one I was slowly falling for. I'm talking to the fuck boy Joey . The one that has no feelings.

" you're right " I stand up.

" you're most definitely right! Just go ahead and act like you don't care about me leaving ." I say, I know he doesn't . Why on earth would I say that.

" I don't " He shrugs  with no emotion.

" screw you, joey !" I shout .

" I did every girl already " he makes a joke out of it and laughs .

I don't see nothing funny . I'm so confused and upset at his actions. How is he gonna sit up here and pretend that we were falling for each other and then when I try and sit down to tell him what I'm doing, he wants to go on and pretend like he doesn't care !

..... well maybe he doesn't .

I storm out of his room slamming the door behind me.

How could he! How could he just throw all of this away like this ..!

It's all my fault. I'm the one throwing it away ! Right ? If my mom wouldn't have made me take that gross cake over there when they first moved in, maybe I wouldn't be here on this dumb Malibu trip.

If I wouldn't have agreed to being this friends with benefits or whatever we call it. I wouldn't have meet Mikey, I wouldn't have gotten used and raped , I wouldn't have got into a fight with my  ex best friend! I wouldn't have been here falling for his lies and the way he makes me feel when we are undressed.

Or the way he kisses me. Or the way he smiles and brushes his hair back with his hands .

I'm really angry at everyone right now and most importantly myself .

So I run inside of my room and quickly pack my things, I run back and forth downstairs with all of my stuff and suitcases. I stack them against the front door and run back upstairs slamming the door behind me.

Feeling angry and frustrated I plop onto the bed and scream inside of my pillow .

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Friends with benifits?! ;DIRTY JMB Fanfic  (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now