What kind of drunk they are (Aged Up)

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Overprotective Drunk
When he's drunk, Robin is very overprotective of you, not unlike how he is now. Every time a friend of yours comes up to talk to you, Robin  shows up from out of freaking nowhere and points his bow at anyone he sees as a threat, which is probably everyone in his overly drunk mind. You love your green bean to pieces, but you really wish he wouldn't test out his high pain rate all in your honor because he might actually hurt himself as a result.

💜Little John💜
Clingy Drunk
Little John is surprisingly clingy when he's drunk. He clings onto you and begs you not to go anywhere with teary eyes, even when you're just going to the bathroom. Seriously, you can't do anything without your strong boyfriend stuck to your legs. You love Little John, but you hope that this will not last long and he will be back to his old, cautious self in the morning, hopefully very quickly in your case.

Emotional Drunk
Tuck is extremely emotional when he drinks too much. He will cry about the most random things, like Robin's bow breaking, or there not being enough salsa for the chips. But you are what Tuck cries about the most. Every time he sees you walk away, he thinks you're leaving him, and the poor little guy will just break down on the ground. All in all, you can't do much without your boyfriend bursting a tear duct, so you pray to Merlin that he will be happier in the morning.

Angry Drunk
Soft spoken and kind Richard gets quite angry when he has one too many drinks. He thinks he needs to prove himself to everyone and then proceeds to cause a lot of trouble with that new reckless nature of his. You even have to enlist Robin's help to make sure the king doesn't accidentally hurt himself on anything, including the forks, because, as Richard said,"They're wayyyyyy too pointy, Y/N!" Good fucking grief...

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