When you embarrass yourself

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You and Tuck were ziplining in the forest thanks to two metal bars that Robin found. Believe it or not, you guys were actually having a blast riding back and forth.Unfortunately, when you went to go again, the metal bar you were riding on picked a really good time to break, and you were sent catapulting right into the freaking river. You laid there for a minute in a daze, soggy, and unbearably cold.
You looked up slightly to see your boyfriend trying to stifle his laugh at how extremely funny you looked, laying down there in the gross water.

"Say a word about this, and I will make you bathe in mud for 3 weeks."
"Yes, ma'am."

Side note: Never trust Robin to find cool stuff for you to ride on again.

💜Little John💜
You had just taken a shower and were  ready to put some clothes on. You failed to realize, however, which room you were heading into and ended up in Little John's room. So, the moment when you just barely started taking your towel off, Little John had chosen that exact time to open the door. You were trying to find where you put your clothes and only just then figured out you were in the wrong room by seeing the royal purple bedspread. Oh crap.....

You slowly turned to see Little John staring at you, wide-eyed and open-mouthed. Poor guy was the color of a tomato and starting to have a nose bleed as he saw all your curves and edges. You hid your boobs from Little John's sight, but it was too late. Your sweet cinnamon roll was unconscious as soon as you opened your mouth. Talk about one hell of a major embarrassment for you guys...

You and Richard were facing off against each other in a sword to sword battle. Richard had previously asked you to train him since he felt like his sword skills were a bit rusty, so you declared it was all the more necessary to have a battle. You ducked as Richard's blade nearly missed your shirt. He had been improving in your battles, and it seemed like he was actually going to win this one. As Richard swung again, you got ready to duck under it, but as his sword brushed by you, you misjudged your trajectory when you swung yours and ended up hitting his blade. That wasn't the embarrassing part, oh no. The embarrassing part was when Richard's blade actually caught your clothes and sliced straight through them. You stood there like an idiot, in nothing but a bra as Richard stared at you in shock for a bit. You scratched the back of  your head awkwardly, feeling bashful that your little mistake caused this.
"So.....did I win?"
Your response was the blush on Richard's pale cheeks growing warmer and drops of blood running from his nose onto the ground. You totally freaked when your boyfriend made no noise whatsoever and continued staring at you. And that's when your beloved king fainted.

"Ah, Richard!"

Long story short, no more training sessions with Richard, okay? They're just going to make him......excited.

(Heh, this one has a twist)
You couldn't believe Tuck and Little John talked you into this stupid idea.They told you the best way to make Robin fall for you even more is to seduce him. Apparently, it was Tiktok thing. Plus, you owed them five bucks if it didn't work. Robin was more charming and flirtatious than you ever were, so you doubted this kind of prank would work on him.

You sighed and walked into the den, wearing a tank top and shorts that barely covered your legs. Robin was quietly reading the newspaper on an easy chair nearby. You leaned on a pole and said in your best seductive tone,"Hey Robin~."  He looked up. "Yes, Y/N?"
"I think I need a bath."
He looked confused. "Uh, why?"You seemed clean last time I saw you, which was yesterday. And many days before that."
"Because your touch makes me feel so dirty~." There was silence before you realized what you said and covered your mouth in embarrassment. Tuck and Little John were silently cracking up in the background and filming it all on video. Poor Robin looked like he would suddenly have a heart attack right there on the spot, especially because you weren't usually this flirty with him. God, his face was so pink you thought that he might explode.

"What-What kind of one-liner was that, Y/N?" Robin finally spoke, looking like he wanted to go scream in a pillow or have a private cry in his bedroom, or just both. You bashfully scratched the back of your neck, feeling awkward now that your oneliner caused this much silence. "Well, I wanted to seduce you since Tuck and Little John told me the best way to make you fall for me even more is to say those cheesy fucking oneliners. I guess it kind of turned into a prank along the way, though." You shot a death glare at the two laughing boys in the background, royally pissed off at them for talking you into this shit.
"Oh, Y/N." Robin smiled, getting up off the couch and placing your hand next to his heart. "You don't need to seduce me into falling for you. You should know that you already made me the luckiest guy in Sherwood to have a strong, kind, and beautiful girl like you for a girlfriend." Before you know it, Robin pulls you close and kisses you, all his love for you being demonstrated in one passionate kiss.

Tuck and Little John changed their mood from laughing to crying in an instant, physically in pain that their boy could say such sweet things so fucking casually like he did. Just like that, Robin managed to win your heart all over again. You may not be as charming as the mischievous and cunning likes of your boyfriend, but you still know that he loves you no matter what you end up doing. This feeling is reciprocated by Robin, that despite being weirded out by the dirty oneliner, you've still stolen his heart.

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