When your ex hurts you

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To tell you the truth, Tuck isn't all that happy when you come back to the hideout beaten and bruised by your stupid ex. And he's even more pissed off when he finds that it was your ex who did that to you. Leaving you in the comforting brotherly embrace of Little John and Robin, Tuck seeks out your ex and gives him the most hellish beating of his freaking life.

💜Little John💜
Little John is horrified when he sees you stumbling back to the hideout, bruised and blue. As soon as your sweet cinnamon roll hears you mention your ex hurting you like this, he's pissed and mortified with shame that he wasn't there to save you. Little John finds your ex, and, well, let's just say, the shithead kinda got the short end of Little John's big spiky club.

Robin is shocked when he sees you crawling on your knees back to the hideout, beaten and battered within an inch of your life. Unfortunately, as soon as you tell him where the beatings came from, Robin becomes absolutely fucking furious, seething with anger. Little John asks in perplexity,"Where are you going, Robin?" after his best friend storms past him, steam practically soaking off him. Robin just goes,"to smack the fucking crap out of Y/N's jerk of an ex." Then Little John goes,"Oh okay. Go ahead and get a punch in for me, pal."  And from the news that the villagers spread around Sherwood the next morning, Robin got more than a punch in. Your green bean had a dozen punches stored up in his tiny body to beat up that fucking jerk.

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