Baby, wake up my boyfriend's here prank

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You sigh, looking at your sleeping boyfriend on the couch. Tuck had been napping since him and the gang got home from a mission at the castle.So, you decided to play a prank on Tuck to grab his attention. Shaking Tuck's shoulder, you whispered in his ear in a pretend worried tone,"Baby, get up. My boyfriend's here." He didn't respond for some time, so you shook him again. "Baby, come on! My boyfriend's coming!"He's almost here!" It was at this point that Tuck woke up, his brown eyes opening slightly. "What- boyfriend? Where?" He looked so adorable in sleepy mode that you almost wanted to kiss him, but you held firm. "Come on baby, my boyfriend's almost here!" "Huh?" Tuck asked, scratching his head. You observed him in amusement, watching the gears in his brain connect the dots. "Wait a minute, I'm your boyfriend. Right?" "Right?" Tuck was no longer tired. Instead, he looked almost worried. You snickered, hugging your sweet berry close and kissing his face. "Of course you are, Tuck. You're my one and only."

💜Little John💜
You groaned, watching your boyfriend move around on the couch.Little John tended to move around in his sleep, and it was incredibly painful when he ended up hitting you. Sighing, you placed your hands together in thought. You were going to prank Little John that you had another was perfect. You leaned down close to Little John's ear and whispered in a faux worried tone,"Baby, wake up! My boyfriend's coming!" Little John stirred. "Huh, what?" You shook him again with the same tone of voice. "Little John, come on! My boyfriend's coming! He's almost here!" Little John's green eyes opened, and he scratched his head in confusion. You almost swooned at the sleepy, quiet tone his next words created.  "Huh? But I just got here. Wait a minute...." You sat on the side of the couch, half-amused, as your boyfriend connected the dots in his head. "I'm your boyfriend, aren't I?"I am your boyfriend, right?" Little John looked crestfallen, and he started rubbing his arm with a sigh. "Of course you are, silly goose. You'll always be my lucky boy." You walked over to Little John and kissed his lips, tracing your fingers all over his skin. He gratefully embraced you back, happy to have you always and forever by his side.

Now, the thing about Robin is that he has a sixth sense when it comes to pranks. He always sees them coming, no matter what happens. Tuck and Little John tried to prank Robin once, and they failed miserably because he could see what they were planning to do before they did it. Robin's like the master of all things prank-related, and he never lets his guard down either. He's like a personal prank watchdog when it comes to jokes.

So, you decided to prank Robin the only time his guard came down, which is when he's asleep. You snuck silently into the den, treading lightly because Robin's almost entirely a light sleeper. He doesn't even last two seconds before he gets up and walks around the hideout for a couple of hours and goes back to bed. Kneeling next to your sleeping boyfriend, you whispered in his ear with a faux scared tone,"Baby, wake up!"My boyfriend's coming!" "You have to go!" Robin gently stirs. "Go where?"Robbie, move it! He's almost here!" You faked a panicked tone of voice, shaking Robin's shoulder. "Wha-But I live here. Where can I go?" You were surprised to see Robin actually believed your little prank, watching him wake up and the gears in his head click. "Wait a second...I'm your boyfriend, right? Y/N, I'm your boyfriend. " Robin repeats his sentence, sounding and looking quite worried. "Of course you are, Robbie." You smile, standing up and kissing  your boyfriend, feeling him kiss back.  "And I wouldn't trade who my lover is for anything else in the whole world."

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