Breaking up......?

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Tuck is waiting for you to send him a goodbye text before you leave Sherwood and go on a trip. One thing you always do is send Tuck a goodbye text so he doesn't get worried about you. You guys agreed to it when you had a little bit of an incident once where you didn't talk to Tuck for an entire day, and he was scared that something happened to you. No sooner than when Tuck sends you an "I love you" text, he sees this text from you suddenly appear on his phone.

Y: Yeah, I love you too, Tuck. Now, is there time to schedule in two  breakups?

Tuck holds his phone to his chest and winces, feeling as if you struck his heart with an arrow he couldn't pull out. A river of tears starts flowing, and Tuck isn't sure how to feel anymore. Robin and Little John are trying to talk to him, but Tuck isn't hearing them and just continues crying, feeling as though heartache set in.Then, a similar text dings through, and Tuck wipes his eyes void of any tears to see what else you said.
Y: So sorry, Tuck! I didn't realize it, but my previous message had a typo in it. That was supposed to say I'm bringing makeup home. For our pranks on Robin and Little John.
Tuck finally laughed for the first time since reading that text. He couldn't wait to do that prank with you.Meanwhile, Robin and Little John, upon reading that message, immediately book it, knowing they were screwed as soon as you got home from your trip. Oh boy.....

💜Little John💜
You were grabbing a bite to eat in the village, and Little John was waiting at the den for you. You were about to send him a really cute message with a balloon in it, and then someone crashed into you, making you send a message with the word break up in it. Little John was just relaxing on the couch when he got your message and curiously opened his texting app to see what you decided to send him.
Y: Hey Little John, you are so amazing, and you make me want to break up with you. ❤️💔 (Wtf, Y/N?)

Now, Little John is a sweet boy, but as I explained before, he's got a fragile heart when it comes to sad shit like this. Suddenly, Little John couldn't see anymore because of the tears blurring his vision, and he let them fall, feeling ashamed that he made you feel like you wanted some time apart. The poor boy placed both hands over his face and cried, not caring that he was soaking the couch cover with his tears. Little John only cared that you thought about him enough to send him a message and damage his heart with your painful, cruel words. He didn't even notice that you came running back into the den and hugged the stuffing out of him, having heard his sobs from miles away. Once Little John looked up and saw you, he asked in a tone devoid of any emotion,"Y/N? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be spending some time away from me?" Little John wiped his eyes with his arm, and it was then you noticed his puffy red eyes from crying so much. "Oh, Little John, no, I meant to send you a message that said you lift me up, with a cute little balloon emotion emoji next to it. I'm so sorry, my sweetheart. But I promise you this, I'm not leaving you." You held Little John tightly in your arms, feeling him tenderly sniffle. After that happened, Little John asked to cuddle with you, and yet again, you just couldn't refuse his puppy dog eyes.


Robin was texting you upside down in a tree about going out with him on a date to watch an archery competition on Saturday. You, however, had other plans that Saturday. But somehow, that message never made it to Robin.
R: Hey Y/N, I was wondering. Next Saturday, do you want to go on an archery competition date with me? It'll be really fun, I promise! And you'll get to see my awesome skills!
Y: Sorry Robbie, I would, but I have other plans this Saturday. Maybe some other time?
R: What? Come on, I've been planning this event for weeks now! It'll be just the two of us there, just you and me.

Y: Robin, I can't! Maybe next time I can go, but I'm needed somewhere else on Saturday. Somewhere more important.......
R: More important than spending time with your poor old boyfriend, who just wants to see you again?🥺
*Message not sent*
Y: Sigh. I'm so breaking up with you, dude. I don't love you anymore.

Robin looked at your message, pausing in his reply back. You wanted to break up? Was it that serious? "A simple no, maybe next time, Robin, would've sufficed." Robin commented to himself, balling up his hands into tight fists. The gravity of your message sank in for Robin, and tears blurred his vision, splashing onto his phone with a wet splat. Within seconds, Robin was crying, gripping his knees tightly and burying his face in them.He didn't care about the competition anymore. All Robin cared about now was getting you back from whence you were going to go. Poor little guy couldn't stop bawling, every bone in his body aching with heartache.You may not know this already, but underneath that selfless, mischievous, reckless personality is a boy with crippling low self esteem. So when Robin read your message, he started wondering if he was the cause of you wanting to end your relationship with him, his thoughts spiraling into instant negativity. He didn't realize that you were on your way back to the forest, searching for him to apologize. As soon as you climbed one of the trees, you instantly heard your boyfriend's sobbing in the corner of it, noticing Robin hunched over in a ball, his head buried in his knees. The only indication of Robin crying is that you were able to hear his quiet sniffles underneath his green leather pants. You sighed and tapped Robin's shoulder, making him look up at you. You sucked in a breath, seeing how awful your boyfriend looked. Robin's nose and eyes were a light cherry red color, his cheeks were pale and flushed, and his scrawny body couldn't seem to stop shaking under your hand. "What are you doing here, Y/N?"I thought you wanted to break up with me after that last text." Robin spoke, his tone a deadbeat and cold one after the emotionally crushing heartbreak your text caused this poor guy. "No, Robin! Never!  I was trying to tell you through the phone that I wanted to go next Saturday because I have a sleepover with someone this Saturday. That text you got was from my best friend's phone. She was trying to break up with her boyfriend, and somehow, that message got to me. I'm so sorry, Robin! I never meant to hurt you, I still love you so much!" You flung yourself into Robin's arms crying, him barely able to catch you due to the emotional rawness of the situation. You sniffled into Robin's shoulder, and he slowly embraced you back, feeling as though a tremendous weight had been lifted off his shoulders. After you had been crying in his arms for an hour, you suggested cuddling as an idea, and Robin couldn't be any happier that you were right here with him. He missed you so much that day, but having you here made it all better.

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