When they come home from a mission and find you slain

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As soon as Tuck arrives back to the hideout, his brain kicks into overdrive when he sees blood leading up to the tree. Hurriedly, your sweet berry climbs up through the hatch, hoping you were okay. He was soon proven wrong when he looked to the side and saw you on the ground, stabbed to death by a mysterious assailant. Tuck falls to his knees beside you and shakes you desperately, tears spilling from his eyes, knowing he's pleading with a corpse, but he just wanted you to be alive, to come back in his arms.

💜Little John💜
The second Little John gets home and sees blood on the ground, his eyes widen, and he's already scrambling up the ladder, hoping it's not too late to help you. When Little John peeks up the hatch, he sees you in front of him, beaten to death by an unknown intruder. Little John weakly calls your name and falls down to his knees beside your bloody body, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Y/N, Y/N." Little John would be shaking you and crying in frustration, asking you to stay with him because he really does need you a lot in his life.Whoever killed you is about to get a huge beating from your sweet, innocent, yet overprotective bean.

Robin arrives home with a tired smile on his face, hoping he can cuddle with you to ease the tenseness of the mission from his shoulders. However, when he sees blood spots on the tree, Robin's smile drops off his face, and his blood chills in his veins.Little John and Tuck try to ask him what's going on, but Robin's already hopping up the ladder, hoping that red blood from the tree doesn't belong to you.Unfortunately, your green bean is proven wrong when he opens the hatch and sees you hung up on the wall with a bloody arrow poking straight through your stomach. In vigiliante mode, Robin uses one of his own arrows to cut you down from the wall, making you fall. Robin barely manages to catch your limp, bloody body as you fall, holding you close to his chest. Robin repeatedly tries to wake you up and begs you to open your eyes, tears streaming down his cheeks when you don't respond.Within minutes, your boy is a screaming, sobbing mess of tears, pleading for you to stay alive and come back to him because he really loves you so much. Robin buries his face in your chest and cries, all hopes and dreams of being together forever with you dashed, like the shattered pieces of a half full glass vase on the ground because someone knocked it over.

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