When he embarrasses himself

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Tuck was planning the perfect prank to play on Robin. The old balloon from the tree prank should work on someone like him. However, Robin may have been mischievous, but he was also smart af when it came to pulling pranks like these. This is why Tuck planned for that as well, using some leftover confetti and glue as a trap to lure Robin in and turn him into a sticky mess. Unfortunately, Tuck failed to calculate just who would be walking under the tree at that moment, and he ended up getting you instead with both parts of the prank. Tuck only realized after he looked down and saw those features weren't Robin's, oh shit. You looked up at Tuck with the deadliest glare imaginable and said four words, all practically dripping with venom.

"Tuck. Get. The. Hose."

"R-right away, Y/N."

And that's why before Tuck initiates his pranks under huge trees, he runs it by you first because he does not want a repeat of the serious butt-whooping you gave him after the last prank he did went a bit sideways.

💜Little John💜
Little John was practicing his poem for you. You meant so much to him, and he just wanted to give you something back in it. Robin naturally helped him with it since Little John isn't very good with words. The green boy was also sitting behind a chair, ready to help urge his friend on should he feel the need to stop. Little John cleared his throat the second you walked in the den and began to start his sweet as pie, pure af poem.
You're the brightest star in the sky.
Your love gets me so high that I feel like a butterfly."
You clutched your heart. God damn your boyfriend was really sweet. Robin was wiping tears away as well, moved by his best friend's words.
"Your love makes me so blue.
"I'd fight to hell and back for you." Little John gave you a sweet smile, and you smiled gently back at him.
"We have a bond that can never be broken. "
"I'm so glad that I'm your chosen."

Unfortunately, someone had hijacked Little John's attempt to read you the last line of his sweet poem. That person happened to be Tuck.
"Our fire together makes me feel so red."
"How are you IN BED?!" Little John's face turned bright red. "Oh my god, Y/N, I'm so sorry, that's supposed to say, I wish I had captured your heart instead."
Your cheeks were redder than a fire hydrant. Robin facepalmed, realizing the mistake that happened here. Tuck coughed awkwardly, getting your attention. "It sounded boring, so I changed the last line of your poem. Sorry, Little John." That cheeky little gremlin......Little John was boiling with embarrassment, and you saw him cover his face with both hands in shame. You walked over to Little John as you saw him slump onto the floor.
"Baby, hey. It ain't that big of a deal."
"It's not just about the poem, Y/N. Tuck erased the one line that showcased my love for you. And I'm afraid if you didn't see that line, you wouldn't know about it." Little John started crying, tears spilling down his cheeks. You took your boyfriend's hands, giving him a loving look."Little John, you don't need a poem to make me love you. I already love you so much that it hurts to see you in pain." You gave your boyfriend a gentle kiss on the cheek, making him feel so much better than he did earlier. You two were so deep in your own little world that you barely noticed Robin beating the tar out of Tuck in the background for nearly wrecking your beautiful and innocent relationship.

Richard had a bet with the sheriff. If he managed to ride his horse around all the thick branches in the forest, then you would give him two kisses. If not, no kisses. You were fully invested in that bet, having the money ready should Richard not make it past all those branches. Richard was doing pretty well at first, dodging all the branches like he was a silent ninja.At least until Richard got to the last branches. The king was so wrapped up in giving you smirks all that time that he didn't realize the branch came up fast. It was up to you to warn him about the upcoming branch ahead.
"Uh, Richard, honey?"
"Branch incoming."

"Wha-" And that was the end of the great Richard the Lionhearted.

Long story short, poor Richard had a concussion from that branch and kept on apologizing to you, blush dotting at his cheeks within minutes of realizing  he just threw away the only thing that could have made him look cool in your eyes. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.....

Robin was trying to sound cool and flirtatious in a text to you. He didn't know what it was, but every time you passed by, his heart melted, and his defenses wore down. Little John and Tuck were there to keep Robin on the right track, since normally, when you guys chat, Robin ends up rambling about the most random things imaginable so they wanted to avoid that happening again. "Oh, I got the perfect text for you to send Y/N, Robin." Tuck suddenly commented, snapping Robin out of his thought process.  With a silent smirk, Tuck relayed the message for Robin to text you with. In minutes, your reply came back, and Robin couldn't wait to see it.

Y: Robin, wtf? Why did you send me such a dirty text? Did someone put you up to this?

Your reply confused Robin, so he scrolled up to see what you were annoyed about. Turns out, he said:

R: Hey baby girl, if you were a sandwich, I'd eat you up. You're so delicious with all those toppings on.So, why don't you take them off and show me your chewy, delicious crust? On a bed of lettuce, I bet your insides are hot and spicy, just like you.😜

Robin's face turned bright pink. Little John was cackling up a storm in the background, and Tuck remarked,"Hey, I wasn't wrong, was I?" When I say that Robin turned around and gave Tuck the deadliest glare ever, I wasn't lying. Let's just say that when you arrived at the hideout, you were somewhat surprised to see Robin strangling Tuck with his bow, while Little John was tied up in the background, looking completely miserable with his existence at the moment, eyes dull and deadpan.

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