Their reaction to a cheating prank

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Tuck loves you more than life itself.So when he hears moaning coming from in the hideout, he's on the prowl to find you. As soon as he opens his bedroom door, Tuck finds you in bed with a supposed other person. Tuck's reaction is to tear up and leave the room. "Y/N.....I'm still yours, right?" You immediately panic and grab his hand to pull Tuck back and show that the person was actually a mannequin and you were pretending to cheat.Tuck is upset, but he's secretly glad that you weren't actually cheating on him with somebody else.

💜Little John💜
"Y/N?"It's me, Little John. Where are you?" Little John had been searching all over the forest for you the entire time. The one place he hadn't checked was the hideout. Little John hears moaning coming from your bedroom and goes to check it out. Once he opens your door, Little John sees you in bed with a lump under your covers. Little John's eyes widen when he sees this scene, and he tears up a bit. "Y/ I not enough for you?" He will immediately exit stage right and leave the hideout, heartbroken and about to fucking cry. You have to grab his hand and drag him all the way back up to show him it's just a mannequin in the bed, and you were pranking him. Little John's secretly pleased when you tell him you're all his, but he hides it under a small but not entirely convincing pouty expression. Don't......just don't try hurting Little John anymore. Okay?

Robin gets your text about wanting to make out at the hideout while he's on a mission. The text reads as follows:
Y: Hey Robbie, you wanna make out tonight? I'm all yours, honey boy.
Needless to say, he's there faster than you can say,"Fuck!" As Robin climbs the ladder, he hears moaning coming from your room. So, your green bean immediately speeds the rest of the way up, straight to your bedroom, ready to mess you up bad with his body.When he opens the door, Robin is shocked to see you in bed with a suspicious lump beside you. "I knew it...Y/N's too beautiful to be mine." Before you can even open your mouth, Robin's already running away, crying. When you check the forest for him, Robin's sitting near the archery tree, head in his hands, sobbing quietly. After some consoling words and headpats, you take Robin's hand and go back to show him it's just a mannequin, meaning you were pranking him. You're kinda not at all surprised when Robin's sad expression turns into a very pissed off one. In the morning, Little John and Tuck are quite surprised to see you ambling around the hideout with multiple bites on your neck and arms. If you think Robin was only a nice and mischievous boy who's the town hero, you are wrong.So very, very, wrong. Let's just say you saw all of Robin's sides that day. Somehow, after that stunt that you pulled with the mannequin, I seriously doubt you'll be able to walk a straight line ever again thanks to your boyfriend's anger and sexual tension your prank caused him. Secretly, however, you actually kinda like this angry boi version of your boyfriend. This is a very.....spicy and enticing side of the sweet and heroic green bean Robin Hood you knew beforehand.

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