When someone hits you

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When someone hits you, Robin gets mad. Real mad. Like if someone tried to kidnap Little John or Scarlett mad. If the person hits you again, that pushes Robin straight to the edge of full out fury and serious anger.

Robin shoots a rope arrow at the person's feet, so they fall over, then he jumps in and carries you out of there so he can deal with the jerk personally. Uh oh.....

When the person comes to his senses and tries to get away, Robin is so furious at him for hurting you and keeps him there through his fiery aura, only stopping once that person verbally apologizes to you with no prompting but the arrow in his face at all. So yeah, Robin makes sure that you're safe at all times, including now.

You are everything to Robin, and your safety is very important to him. Even if it's just a small slap, people should know from the show that when it comes to the lives of his friends and family, Robin does not mess around.

💜Little John💜
When Little John hears your cries of pain and sees someone getting ready to strike you again, his eyes narrow into angry slits, stalking over there in anger. Your tears only enrage the guy, and he smacks you in the face, so hard that you collapse on the ground. That does it for Little John, and he storms over there even faster, ignoring everyone's looks of terror.

With a face of pure, unadulterated fury, Little John signals Robin to take you back to the hideout while he brings out his club and lays a full-out smack down on this jerk for hurting you. Little John loves you with every fiber of his being, and when you're hurt, he will protect you with all of his might. Little John vowed that anyone who hurts you like that again will definitely be going through him.

Tuck is stunned at first, but upon realizing that you are in pain, anger quickly sets in. Tuck tells Robin and Little John to take you back to the hideout while he prepares to deal with your attacker, his slingshot, and rocks in hand. Hit or not, no one hurts Tuck's sweet and beautiful Y/N unless they have a serious death wish or want their ass to be kicked. If you're wondering why Tuck came back to the hideout with a big smile and a black eye, well, that's why. Tuck will do anything to protect the one he loves, even getting in a fight with people who hurt you to prove how much he loves you and that he'll protect you no matter what happens.

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