Chapter One - Intruder Alert!

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You know how they say that the moment before you die your life flashes right before your eyes?

Well, I’m currently standing right before my to-be-murderer, but all my pea-sized brain can register is: Wow, he’s hot.

Too fast? Let me rewind a little.


Three hours before…


I stared down at my desk, concentrating hard not to fall asleep. Gosh, to say that history lesson was boring was an understatement! This class was hell! Glancing over to my side, I realized that the empty desk beside me was getting really dusty.

Brushing away the little particles of dust and rubbing my nose furiously in attempt not to sneeze, I sighed amidst all my actions. Jeremy, my best friend for like, forever, had been gone for two years. I missed him to bits. Of course, not “kick-the-bucket-and-fly-to-heaven” gone, but rather, “went-to-Canada-to-help-out-in-his-father’s-business” gone. Sure, we still conversed a lot on the phone and occasionally IM-ed each other, but without his presence, my life was a total wreck.

You see, I’m not exactly what people call…pretty. Without my golden-rimmed glasses, half-decent, yes, but definitely not beautiful. I didn’t have a wardrobe full of clothes that made me look like I bought the entire mall; I didn’t have iron-straight hair, but rather, a head of frizz; and of course, I was a total reject. You’ll see why.

“Alright class, I expect a 1000-word essay on the life of Gandhi on my desk by tomorrow morning and I suggest those who tend to zone out during my class to better read up, because it’s graded.” Mr. Aspen announced with a pointed look towards me, and if not for the light-hearted smile on his face, I would’ve thought he was honestly mad at me. Instantly, the class broke into simultaneous low groans of protest. I smiled wryly back, before ducking my head and slipping out of the class before anyone else did.

I avoided the many sideways glances sent in my direction as I walked down the hallways. Typical. To them, I was—and I quote—“the little puppy that wagged her tail wherever Jeremy went”. Trust me, that was one of the nicer comments.

As I picked at my lock, trying hard to remember my combo—which I miraculously managed to forget every time, I tuned into one of the meaningless conversations the girls around the area were having in hushed tones.

“Didn’t you like, hear? Jeremy Jones is coming back, like, soon! Like, to this school!”

At the mention of his name, my ears perked up automatically and I couldn’t help but feel my eyebrows knot together. Jeremy was coming back? Why hadn’t I heard it from him before? I was always the first one he’d notify.

“Oh. My. Gosh. We should like, totally, get our hair done, like right now! What if we got like, super hot over two years?” Another squealed, dramatically fanning herself.

"He was, like, already super hot two years ago, Em-er-lee." the shortest retorted, making sure to pronounce the name 'Emily' with extra twirling of the tongue. 

Resisting the urge to roll my eyes at them, I diverted my energy—and that little anger boiling within me—to slam my locker door shut.

That, unfortunately, caught the attention of the squealing group of girls. Their waxed eyebrows furrowed in unison as they pursed their lips at me.

Whoa, it freaked me out a little that all of them were so alike, they were like mini-clones of each other.

“What’s her problem?”

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