Chapter Forty - The Concert!

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“I’m not sure if I’ve told you girls before,' Little Miss. Phony standing behind me checked her polished nails before beckoning her clique with a flick of her hand. They huddle together immediately, and she lowered her voice till it’s barely a whisper—but somehow I can hear every, single word clearly. As if on purpose. Hmmm….

“What?” Her little acquaintance, with a cute black bob and wide puppy-dog eyes urged Miss Phony and dug her acrylic nails deep into her “friend’s” tan skin. She didn’t seem to mind—in fact she was enjoying the attention.

Miss Phony cleared her throat and a smirk grew on her face. “Did you know that Matty…” She trailed off and her friends frowned with impatience. “-is actually my cousin.”

I rolled my eyes. Seriously?

Shrieks and squeals filled the air. “Oh my god!” They cried out, their expressions a mixture of envy and exhilaration.

“So aren’t you like super close with Matty?”

“Pft!” She waved a hand coolly. “Of course I am, when we were young, we even used to play together. All. The. Time.” She said smugly, puckering her lips out to apply her hundredth coating of cherry lip gloss.

“So you like can get his autograph anytime?”

Hesitation. Then: “O-of course!”

More ear-piercing yelps. I grunted out loud, wondering to myself: Oh yeah? Well, I don’t think it’s a big deal I’m his girlfriend! We kissed, for freaking sake! No biggie anyway.

But then, I immediately regretted my little pig-mimicking session at once, as I snapped out of my thoughts and realized that they were all staring at me like I had grown another head. I smiled at them politely, even though I was mentally throwing spears at them.

“Who is she?”

I’m Alyssa, nice to meet you.

“Did she just…grunt at us?”

No, I was just doing an impression of what a pig sounds like when they smell your awful perfume.

“She’s weird.”

Why, thank you for the compliment!

They gave me a roll of their blue eyes—all the same shade, by the way—and their attention turned to the bored blonde beside me, who was sticking his tongue out a little, while doing something I didn’t know, and I didn’t want to know.

A tickle sent shivers up my spine. I looked down where the itches were coming from, only to find out that Cole was drawing something on my hand with his pen.

I ripped my hand from his, glaring at him in shock. “What the hell are you doing?” I frantically pulled my hand near to my face, scrutinizing how much damage he had caused to my skin.

At a closer look, I realized that it was a rather amateurish sketch of a girl—who was supposedly me—and a guy with three strands of hair sticking out of his scalp holding hands. Below their happy faces were little initials: A+C 4ever. 

A and C forever?

Then realization dawned upon me. Alyssa and Cole forever.

So was I supposed to feel touched or disgusted now? I mean, although I had been imagining Cole and I as a couple for years now, I had finally gotten myself a boyfriend, and I was currently waiting for him to jump up on stage and perform. Not to mention if Cole and I ended up together, it would be counted as incest. Ew.

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