Chapter Forty-Four - Alyssa's Decision!

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On the cheek.

Alyssa kissed me on the cheek. Her lips brushed against my now red cheeks, placing another soft butterfly kiss on it, before landing back on her feet, no longer tip-toeing. I warily wrapped my hand around her small waist, but she only grimaced, before backing away.

My mind was in a whirl. Did Alyssa just kiss me? Oh my god. She just freaking kissed me. But it was just on the cheek…did she mean something else? Oh man, you’re so messed up dude.

Nerves kicked up within me as I withdrew my hands, my face now flaring with redness. Yay, I’m blushing. What a nice sight for Alyssa. Not.

My hand involuntarily flew up to touch my left cheek. The one that Alyssa had planted a kiss on, of course.

I stared at her blankly. “Did you just…” I faltered off, swallowing the lump in my throat. Did she mean that she agreed to my confession? Even though, it was a confession from four years ago, but anyway.

The way she bit her lip and lowered her gaze downcast made my heart stoop a little. “That was so sweet of you.”

My smile fell. “Sweet of what?” I pressed on, even though, with every second, my heart was sinking down, down, down.

“I-I can’t accept your confession.” She spoke softly and slowly, her words stinging like acid poured onto my body. “I-I didn’t tell you something Cole.”

Blinking back tears of rejection, I forced a wry smile out. “Tell me what?”

“I-I’m leaving with Matt to tour around the world.”

I think the world stopped spinning around the Sun for that moment and time stood still. I let out a dry, humorless laugh, though I thought I just heard my heart shatter into a million fragments. “That’s great!” I tried to inject some enthusiasm inside my voice for her, but failed terribly at it.

Her head jerked up so her piercing gaze met mine. Those pleading eyes. I forced myself to look away, but couldn’t, knowing I’ll never see them for a very long time. “And you know what's going on with us isn't right. A-are you alright about this, I going with....I mean. You know what I mean.”

I waved a hand coolly at her. “Pft, yeah I’m alright.”

I’m not alright.

I gave her a genuine smile, knowing that Matt was a great guy, a guy that could wholeheartedly love her to bits.

“When are you leaving?” I shall cherish my moments with her for now, before letting the past go.

“Tomorrow.” Another impact. It hit me like boulders rolling off a cliff, and I struggled to stay on my feet.

“G-great.” I stuttered, dropping my gaze. “Alyssa?”

“Hmm?” She looked at me with such sympathetic eyes.

“I have something to tell you too.”


“I love you.”

Her eyes darted uncomfortably at everywhere but at me. “I know.”

I shrugged, before shooting her a smile. “Just thought I’ll try for one last time.” I joked, trying to lift up her spirits.

That seemed to do the trick. She elbowed me playfully in the ribs. “I love you too…as a sister.”

I laughed harder, making it seem like the tears rolling down were due to my excessive laughing. “I’ll never stop trying till I’ll get you though.”

She rolled her sweet green orbs. “Well, aren’t I such a lucky girl.”


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