Chapter Eight - The Rejection of the Apology Pizza

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Chapter 8 – The Rejection of my Apology Pizza


I felt a soft nudge, but I was too sleepy to respond. Then came a poke. I grunted, muttered some curses and went back to dreamland. Finally, someone pinched my arm real hard and twisted it.

The pain travelled slowly from the arm into my brain, sending me shocks and shivers down the spine. My automatic reaction was to jump up and look the direction where I was being nudged, poked and pinched. Ouch.

Wincing from the pain, I whipped my head round, balling up my fists, ready to punch whoever had pinched me so painfully.

And there stood a girl. The images of her were blurred as my eyelids felt as heavy as lid and I was overcome by fatigue. I just stared blankly at her for a few seconds.

“Who the heck are you—“I hollered, rubbing at my arm.

Then all the images fit together like puzzle pieces and I realized that there stood Alyssa.

Not nerdy girl Alyssa.

Super-hot-model-material-more-gorgeous-than-you-ever-seen Alyssa.

“Alyssa?” I rubbed my bleary eyes, unable to believe that the hot babe standing in front of me was actually Alyssa.

She was no longer the Alyssa that wore oversized nerd specs, baggy faded tees and jeans.

There, right before my eyes was a beautiful and elegant lady, with sparkling emerald eyes that shone like stars, clad in a skimpy scarlet silk gown that brought out her owl-glass figure, adorned with a simple white pendant that looked so sweet on her bare neck. Her hair was intricately braided and fastened together at the nape with a gold band.

I think I spaced out for a few seconds, until she coughed gently.

I tried to speak, but somehow my throat was closed tight and my voice just couldn’t work.

Say something you idiot! My mind shouted, but somehow my mouth didn’t want to cooperate.

All I gave out was a soft low whistle, coming out more like a whimper.

Tell her she’s pretty! My mind ordered.

“Um, you’re very prett—“ My voice faltered as she cuts me off.

“Oh, I see you’ve bought pizza!” She mumbled, smiling nervously.

Right. I was supposed to be angry at her for that. I didn’t want to continue on with the cold war, might as well surrender and give her pizza as a sign of peace. After school, I had ran off at once to order her favorite pizza, specially adding in some of her favored toppings as well, and even asked the cashier to squeeze some tomato sauce into the words “I’m sorry.”

It was the best I could do, after making her so furious. I was really looking forward to see her shocked and delighted expression after receiving this apology pizza. I darted all the way home, only to find out that she wasn’t there. Thinking that she had something on and would be late, I just patiently waited, tempted by the smell from the pizza.

1 hour passed.

2 hours.

She still wasn’t back. I got worried so I texted and called her like a gazillion times. She didn’t reply. I was really peeved that she didn’t tell me earlier she had plans. She was sooooo dead.

“Yeah, I wanted to apologize for being such a jerk. I called you many times but you didn’t reply.”  I tried my best to sound cross but it came out from my mouth, the tone more like worry than anger.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know! I’m so sorry!” She clasped her mouth and looked at me with such despair in her eyes. I had to forgive her.

“It’s alright.” I forced a smile. “It’s one in the morning, would you like some supper?” I rubbed my tummy, which was groaning in protest. I didn’t eat dinner.

“Cole, I—“Despair was creeping into her voice.

“It’s okay; I’ll go heat the pizza up!” I tried to make my voice sound lively.

“I’m sorry I didn’t inform you! I went for dinner with Jeremy!” Her hand briefly brushed against my arm; she was trying to ensure I was alright.

Something snapped within me. My heart sank. “Oh…” My voice wavered off.

“And I’m really exhausted, thanks for the pizza; you’ll eat it up won’t you? I think I’ll turn in for the night…” Her hand touched my shoulder, giving me a slight smile.

I jumped and shunned her touch.

“Sure, night Alyssa!” I turned my back and ran into the kitchen before she could notice my dejected expression.

I looked at the pizza, the words a little smudged, and suddenly I wasn’t hungry anymore.

I dumped the pizza into the bin and dragged myself out of the kitchen.

I didn’t understand, why was I so upset?



I fumbled for my phone in the purse that I stole from my mum’s closet just for today’s event.

Stupid purse, can’t seem to get anything out, no wonder I prefer backpacks.

Frustrated, I just poured all the contents out until I finally fished out my phone.

35 missed calls.

40 messages.

Oh wow, Cole wasn’t kidding when he said he called me many times. I flipped open my phone and checked every single message he sent.

Alyssa, coming home soon?

Ooh you’ll get the shock of your life!

I’m so excited!

Tell me when you’ve arrived.

Where are you?

Hello? Alyssa?

Hey, don’t freak me out!

Okay, I’m panicking here! Are you alright?

I know you’re angry at me but please don’t ignore my texts!


Answer the damn phone Alyssa.

And there were probably another 31 messages of where are you-s.

Dumbfounded, I dropped my phone and it landed with a thud on my lap. My throat felt so constricted, my heart weighed so heavily. I felt so bad for Cole, for once, he was actually nice to me, and I treated him like shit. Alyssa, you’re the meanest girl yet. You don’t deserve Cole’s kindness. I would have preferred him to yell at me for being such a bitch, instead of giving me a fake smile. I looked at myself in the mirror. Pretty, but I felt so ugly.

Then again, so many things have happened, my head hurt. Like literally. I slapped on some loose oversized tee and hit the sack.

I didn’t want to think about anything, anymore. Maybe if I slept the throbbing on the head would go away.

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