Bonus Chapter!

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Another four years later...


It's been four years. 

I would have liked to say that somehow Alyssa broke up with Matt or something, and came stumbling back to me. I would have liked to say that a happily ever after for me, after all. But as life forbid, Alyssa's affectionate gestures for me were nothing but a sisterly act. I knew, and she knew, and I'm sure everyone around us knew, that there was some spark between us. But I guess you can't always get what we want, right?

So, reader. I bet you're expecting some kind of closure to this whole tragic situation. Well, I can gladly say that my sister is happily engaged to Matthew Roberts. There's happiness in her eyes now, if you really look deeply like I still do when I have the chance to. But there's also something else, something I can't put my finger on, lingering within the waves of green. It's only there when I look at her though. And I highly suspect its somewhere in my eyes too. A connection. 

But I guess that's all there is. Alyssa works as a nurse now. I'm happy that she's finally overcome her fear of hospitals and I can tell she's really passionate about nursing others to health. I've asked her before, could she perhaps cure me of my lovesickness? Could she heal the wound on my heart  that she has inflicted?

She laughed and she handed me a bandage. I wanted to tell her that, sure, you can bandage the damage, but it isn't enough to fix a heart. I probably needed stitches for that gaping hole. 

But enough of this wallowing in self pity. How's my life, you ask? Well, I'm sure you probably wondered sometime ago. I'm still irresitable, and I've devoted my time to setting up a foundation for orphaned kids, because I know what they've been through. 

I'm now a psychologist too. I know, shocking right? I guess I'm smarter than I thought and what all of you probably thought too. I've met a really nice and down-to-earth girl. Really shy, petite and kind-hearted. She works at the orphanage I used to go. And the thing is, she wears nerd specs, but I know underneath it, she's stunning. I think the feeling's mutual. 

Well, what about Jeremy? Now now, be patient. Jeremy is with Isabella! I kind of knew it was coming...well, maybe not, but they seemed to hit it off from the very start anyway. Isabella is a renowned movie star right now, and I'm happy for her success. Oh and by the way, you'll never guess who's the hottest star right now. Nope, it's not Matthew Roberts, though his popularity is still soaring. It's Seth! Ha! Can you believe that? 

What more can I say? If you were thinking, Poor Cole, he should have ended up with Alyssa! Well, firstly, thank you for your condolences, but I think I'm fortunate for the little relationship I've had with Alyssa in the past But we're more mature right now, and the times of our teenage years were definitely the sweetest. I wouldn't have spent it any other way. 

A/N: Just in case, you know. I get attacked by angry mobs. Enjoy! (Not a real chappie though. Life's tragic that way!)


On the lips.

Alyssa kissed me on the lips. That kiss, it was filled with so much passion, and emotion, and the way her soft lips moved with mine, I couldn’t pull away. The way she tangled her hands into my hair, I couldn’t resist but wrap my arms around her waist and instead, pull her closer to me till there were no air barriers.

When we finally did pull away, due to our damn small lung capacity, she smiled a breathtaking smile. Which is bad, because I barely had enough oxygen left to breathe.

“Well that was unexpected.” I spoke up first, breaking the unavoidable awkward silence that weighed heavily in the air.

She puffed out her cheeks, and I could already guess that she was mentally slapping herself for doing something so rushed.

“I liked it,” I laughed, trying to convince her it was alright. “So you read the letter?”

Her already beetroot red cheeks flushed a deeper darker red, and I couldn’t help but coo at those cute chubby cheeks inwardly. She nodded tentatively, shifting her feet uncomfortably around the overgrown grass like a teenage-girl madly in love.

In love.

That’s it! My eyes glimmered with that one last flame of hope, which lit up immediately at the word, “Love”. Could it be…? Alyssa was still in love with me?

With my mouth mouthing out the words, and me gesturing wildly, she managed to guess that I was trying to say, “Do you like me?”

Please say Yes, please say Yes, please say Yes….


Alyssa Evans say what? My heart plunged down at a rapid pace, my forehead collapsing.

“I love you.”

Okay, my heart that almost committed suicide, somehow found a way to sprout wings and fly back up, almost leaping up into my mouth.

“But I thought you said you’ll only fall in love with me if pigs flew?”

She smiled, giving me a kiss on the cheek. “We could always give them Redbull.”

I raised an eyebrow at her cocky attitude. “What about the satellite crashing onto Earth?”

Her laugh rippled in the air, sending tickles down my spine. “I don’t think you’ll want that to happen right?”

“What about raining marshmallows?”

“Well,” She clicked her tongue, pulling out a packet of marshmallows from her purse and ripping open the top, before pouring out the contents over our heads. The fluffy substance bounced over our heads and I couldn’t help the wide smile that spread over my face. “That’s something settled isn’t it?”

She brought her lips closer to mine—

“Wait, what about Matt?”

“Oh, and about this counting as incest?”


“Just shut up and kiss me.” She tip-toed up and I lowered my face to hers with a smirk. "I'm so lucky."

No, Alyssa Evans wasn’t lucky, I was. 

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