Chapter Thirty-Four - Friends?

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My heart skipped a beat.

“J-Jeremy?” My eyes fell on the blonde sitting directly in front of me, so relaxed and composed, as if he had already expected my reaction. His hair was combed back neatly but just leaving a few strands of fringe to fall into his eyes, giving him this stunning yet mysterious look that had me enthralled. Clad in an exquisite black suit with a scarlet tie that somehow brought out his deep sea-blue eyes, he couldn’t have looked more attractive.

My hand involuntarily stretched out to him, as I gingerly took a step forward.

He pushed himself away from his armchair, striding confidently towards me. Smirking slightly, he somehow caught my eyes and locked his gaze into mine, making it hard for me to pull away. What was this in his eyes that I didn’t recognize? Danger? Vengeance? He wasn’t the same old Jeremy I knew anymore. Wait, scratch that. He wasn’t the same old Jeremy I used to know anymore.

I felt the grasp on my waist getting tighter. It was then when I recalled that Matthew was here, with me, too. We both treaded back simultaneously, but that was when I sensed Jeremy’s warm hand clutching my wrist tightly, a little too tight. Then came a hard tug.

Half a second barely past as I found myself in Jeremy’s arms. He leaned dangerously close to me, his lips pulled back into a menacing leer. My breath hitched in my throat.

“Missed me?” He whispered in a low tone, his breath tickling my neck and sending chills down my spine. I drew out a breath that I had held in suspense.

“Hey hey hey, hands off...” Matthew’s lighthearted voice drifted into my ears as my heart started pumping regularly again. “My girl..” He said after a moment of hesitation, his voice sounding a little shaky but at the same time with a little danger to it. 

Jeremy flashed a crooked grin at Matthew before releasing me, sending me staggering back a few steps as Matthew rushed forward to grab hold of me.

I held up a hand weakly. “I-I’m alright.” I coughed out. His tense hands then relaxed a little.

Then I turned to face Jeremy, whose hands were casually chucked in his pants pockets.

“W-what are you doing here?” I croaked out, swallowing the lump that formed in my throat.

Then realization dawned upon me and I mentally slapped myself. Nice question, idiot. Obviously he’s the boss of Matthew; of course he can be here! I groaned inwardly at my words. I should really really think before I speak.

Jeremy flipped his fringe, a deep rumble coming from his throat. Oh gosh, when had he become so…evil-ish? He sounded like some evil maniac that was delighted to see little children cry. Who’s that? Oh yes, Voldermolt. Yuck, comparing Voldermolt and Jeremy together wasn’t exactly the prettiest sight. Jeremy was too gorgeous to be someone like the-one-who-shall-not-be-named. And he does have a pretty nose.

“This is my office! Why can’t I be here?” Jeremy spoke, sarcasm dripping off every single word. I grimaced slightly but quickly put back on my cold unfeeling mask.

“Wait wait wait a minute!” Matthew stepped forward, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “You two know each other?” He pointed a finger at both of us.

Jeremy’s face lit up in amusement, as if he was happy to see Poor Little Matthew confused or something.

“Weeeeeeeeel….” I started, dragging the note real long. “Yes.” I scratched my hair awkwardly, resting my tongue in my cheek.

Matthew spun to face me. “How?”

I shuffled gawkily on the carpeted floor, lowering my gaze so that I didn’t have to meet Matthew’s intense stare. “Remember the time I told you I’ve only kissed three people?” I said meekly.

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