Chapter Thirty-One - Paparazzi

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“Can you explain what this is?” Jessica, my manager, stormed into my suite without even knocking and threw something roughly onto the table.

 I wonder how she even got the card into my suite, sheesh; don’t I even get some privacy?

I sipped on my cappuccino and spun around to face her. Boy, did she look awful. Her blonde locks that normally waterfalled down her shoulders were messily and sloppily pinned up into a bun, secured with a pen; she didn’t even bother to change out of her pajamas—a tank top and a pair of yellow denim shorts—into a more decent office-like outfit; her makeup was so darn screwed up and smeared and she looked like she was deprived of sleep for one whole month.

“It’s a magazine, why?” I parked my butt onto the couch, reaching for the remote control, but Jessica stepped in front of me just before I managed to grasp onto it.

Jessica closed her eyes and let out a painful sigh, looking impatient. “Please be more specific.”

I narrowed my eyes and scrutinized the magazine. “Okay, specifically, it’s the back cover of a magazine.” I stirred my cappuccino, staring at her with knitted eyebrows.

Jessica glared back at me with unblinking eyes that flashed with anger. Um, she’s really acting weird this time.

She cleared her throat before continuing. “Okay, now turn the magazine over.” She gestured me with her hand.

I cocked my head a little, shooting her questioning looks, but Jessica just folded her arms and avoided my stare. I took a huge slurp at my coffee before leaning over to flip the magazine over. Immediately, I did a spit-take and my eyes widened in bewilderment.

“Turn to page eight.” Jessica ordered in the firmest of firm voices.

I choked and hit my chest repeatedly, unable to believe my eyes. Hesitantly and slowly, I flicked the pages to page eight, and I coughed even more, my face turning pale white.

“Care to explain?” Jessica slammed her fist against the table angrily, making me startled by the sudden outburst. Jessica looked livid now; her face red with anger and a hysterical look written all over it.

I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out.



“Alyssa Evans is officially declared bored!” I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air in exasperation.

Seth gave me a glance from over his shoulder and after letting out a sigh, he plopped down on the couch beside me.

“Talk about it. There’s nothing to do, ugh.” Seth rolled his eyes, stifling a fake yawn.

Jayden had been so bored; he practically slept for the whole day, which was a good thing and a bad thing. Good thing is that Seth and I don’t have to hassle over Jayden. Bad thing is: Seth and I would rather make a fuss over Jayden than to do nothing at all.

I groaned as I lay my head on top of Seth’s tummy, sprawling my hands aimlessly on his legs.

“When is your apartment ready?” It came out more muffled than expected, but at least Seth could make out what I was trying to say.

“Three more days and we’ll be out of this darn hotel. Yay.” Seth said uninterestedly, faking his enthusiasm.  

Seth shifted himself slowly to the remote control, struggling under the weight of my head. “Wow Alyssa, why is your head so damn heavy?” He grimaced, thumping my forehead gently with his fist. “What’s in there?”

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