Chapter Twenty-Six - Death Greets

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She’s Some Lucky Girl-Chapter 26


I found myself breathing heavily, my chest rising up and down at every inhale and exhale. My mind went blank, and for one moment, everything just flashed through my mind, all that had just happened just replayed in my thoughts like a video tape.

“Do you think my lips are still kissable?”

“What? No! I mean, of course not, pft, your lips are definitely not kiss-“

“Just wanted to let you feel how it felt if you kissed me. Goodbye Alyssa!”

“H-hello Mum?”

“Alyssa honey! Has Cole left? Tell him we’re almost—AHHHHHHHHHH!”

“Hit the brake, hit the brake, quick!”


“I’m trying! It’s that car! He’s swerving towards us!”




My eyes widened and my jaw hung open. I recalled it. I finally remembered what had happened.

Cole just left. Mum and Dad in a car crash. Everything reeled in my mind.

Gasping for breath, I clasped a hand over my mouth. I shuddered. I wanted to scream, but my voice wasn’t working, and all that came out was a little squeak.

“Mom…Dad! Oh my gosh, MOM, DAD!” I whispered breathlessly. I stumbled and staggered a little bit, unsure of what to do, before racing toward the exit and for the taxi stand.

I hopped onto the taxi, cutting the long snakelike queue and ignoring the curses and screams for the other passengers. I feebly slammed the door shut, slumping down onto the leather seats. I probably looked like a ghost now, with my hair sticking on my sweaty and tear-stained face, my eyes reddened and puffy, my face pale as a sheet and a distraught expression distorting my features.

“Um, where to, miss?” A voice entered my thoughts and I tuned back into reality. I realized that the taxi driver had been trying to ask me where I wanted to go, which I didn’t really know either. Where did I want to go, really?

“T-the nearest hospital, p-pl-lease.” I stumbled on my words, my voice trembling.

“Sure. Has something bad happened?” The taxi driver asked carelessly, probably a slip of a tongue, because curiosity got the better of him. What was I going to say? Oh, nothing much, just that I have no idea if my parents are dead or alive, I was going to the hospital to check if their bodies had arrived there already?

I bit my tongue, wiping away tears that stung my eyes. Instead, I decided to keep silent. Think positive thoughts, Alyssa. Nothing bad’s going to happen. Who knows, maybe this was just a bad dream, maybe if you just pinched yourself real hard or wake up, Cole will still be beside you, and Mom and Dad will still be in the baby and me yoga lessons with Jayden.

But…everything was real. It was a fact; I couldn’t stop the tragedy that was unfolding before my eyes. It’s over, Alyssa. Soon, everything you ever had will slip away from you; you’ll be left with nothing. Nothing at all.

I let out a shaky breath. “C-can you step on it, please, Mister?” I pleaded with a whimper, my gaze burning through the taxi driver’s skull.

“I’m so sorry, miss. But the thunderstorm…it’s created a massive traffic jam, and it’s real hard to see. I’ll try my best though.” The taxi driver shot me sympathetic looks, deciding not to probe on.

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