Chapter Twenty-Three - The Truth Reveals Itself

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She’s Some Lucky Girl-Chapter 23


Just so you know, this feeling’s taking control of me, and I can’t help it…

“Cole! Your phone is ringing! Quick shut it up!” Alyssa bellowed from her room, screaming to my window.

I fidgeted but didn’t bother to pick my vibrating phone up.

Thought you should know, I tried my best to let go of you, but I don’t want to…

“Ugh!” Alyssa shoved her hands in the air in exasperation, storming into my room.

 “This annoying song is played every time we get into the car, it’s your alarm and now it’s your ringtone? It’s so freaking irritating!” She exclaimed, grabbing my phone from the table.

Did she just call Jesse McCartney annoying? Oh my god, she just did. She’s so dead.

“Did you just insult Jesse McCartney? That’s like…indirectly insulting me. Everyone says I look like him you know. His songs are awesome, don’t you dare insult him like that, missy.” I bolted up from my bed, narrowing my eyes at her.

She gave me her are-you-serious look and studied my face, before her eyes flickered back to my phone. “As if, and puh-lease, Cole.  Stop acting like a crazy fan girl!” She smirked, before her finger clicked onto the “receive call” button.

I stuck out my tongue at her, before falling back onto my bed, resting my head on my hands.

“Hello…” She said in a flat tone, checking her nails in boredom.

Suddenly, her hands fell limply by her sides as her mouth gaped open. “Oh! Uh…hold on for a second!”

She removed the phone away from her ear and gawked at me with round eyes, mouthing out the words, “Mrs. Jones.”

My eyes flew open as my heart plummeted down real fast. What did that woman want? Why is she calling? How did she get my number?

I signaled Alyssa to cut the line off, pretending to slice my neck with an imaginary blade.

She cringed her face and tentatively put the phone close to her ear again. “Uh, Cole’s…not here now?”

After a second, she looked back at me with pleading eyes, pursing her lips in frustration.

She covered the phone with another hand and whispered to me. “She says, don’t pretend. She knows you’re there.”

I scratched my head, biting my lip in vexation. After a few awkward moments of deliberation, I finally beckoned Alyssa to pass the phone to me. I could see relief wash over her in waves, the creases on her forehead vanishing. She pushed the phone immediately to me, as if it was a ball of fire or something.

I inhaled a few gulps of air before responding. “What do you want?” I hissed stonily.

“Oh my gosh, Danny—“

“Cole.” I corrected her, steeling myself to keep my cool.

“Uh okay, Cole. Thank you for picking up the phone. I—“She stuttered, her voice sounding flustered.

“Don’t beat around the bush. What. Do. You. Want. “I enunciated firmly, clenching my fist and I heard her wince faintly.

“Cole…C-can we meet up?” She muttered her voice so low and soft.

“…No.” I gulped down fresh feelings of anger.

“Please Cole,” She begged, despair creeping into her voice. “Just for five minutes. I promise, it won’t take long.”

I Hope It Rains Marshmallows ❤Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu