Chapter Three - He's Back!

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“Psssssst. Alyssa! Alllyyy-shaaaa! Ali-sha! A-L-L-Y-S-A!”

I groaned. Stupid…leprechauns…stop…poking…me….

“Alyssa, No! Don’t dieeeeeeee!” Hey, I knew that voice. Ugh. Cole’s voice. Why did I ever think that his voice was nice?

Then something clicked within me. Holy Muffins. Leprechauns weren’t poking me. Cole was.

Wearily, I lifted my heavy eyelids and slapped Cole’s hand away from my side. “I’m not dead you idiot. Go. To. Sleep.”

Unfortunately, Cole wasn’t quite ready to give up. He opened the curtains, letting the sunlight stream in and shine into my eyes.

As soon as the bright sunlight hit my eyes, I shielded them, buried my head in my pillow, and moaned. “Ugh! The sun! Close the curtains now!”

“C’mon Ms. Grumpypants, you’re not a vampire. Now rise and shine!” Cole gave me a hard pat on the back, knocking the breath out of me. Then, he tore my blanket off me, letting the cold air nip at my now exposed skin. I curled up into a ball, feeling my eyelids droop once more.

“We’re going to school, Alyssa! Get up now!” Cole shouted into my ear, before climbing onto my bed, jumping on it a few times and suddenly, the jumping stopped. Huh. Did he fall to his death? I hope so. But I didn’t hear any thump though.

Curious, I peeked open one eye, looking through my eyelashes. No Cole anywhere. A silly grin found its way on my face for being able to shake Cole off. I turned over to the other side of the bed where the sunlight didn’t affect me.


My eyes snapped open, and I found myself staring right into the blue orbs of Cole. I sucked in a breath at our proximity. We were so close our noses were touching. When I finally regained my senses, I let out a yelp of surprise, my hands instinctively pushing Cole off the bed.

I watched as he rolled off my bed, landing with a loud thump on the ground. My cheeks flamed a deep shade of red as he started trembling with silent laughter. He propped himself up on one arm, a triumphant smirk on his face.

“Why the hell did you cross the wall? I thought I specifically told you never, ever to cross it!” I scowled, my growing irritation obvious in my words that were charged with exasperation.

He nodded, flashing his white teeth at me. “You did. Who said I had to follow your orders?”

I gritted my teeth in frustration. “You’re a jerk.”

“Why, thank you.”

I held in the terrible urge to smash his face in, so that his pretty features would never be attractive again.

“What time is it?” I asked between clenched teeth, unable to look at the time due to my horrible eyesight.

“Thirty minutes to eight.” Cole said nonchalantly.

Immediately, my eyes shot open and I sprang out of bed, frantically trying to comb down my unruly curls and chose something to wear at the same time.

“Why didn’t you tell me we were going to be late!” I quickly grabbed a shirt and jeans from my closet.

He shrugged. “You didn’t ask.”


“Well?” I put my arms on my hips, glaring at Cole.

“Well what?” He cocked his head to the side, and his hair, once again, flopped over to the other side.

“Aren’t you going to go out? I need to change!” I huffed, getting edgy.

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