Chapter Forty-Two - Hangover

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She’s Some Lucky Girl – Chapter 42


“Al, you have to come out sooner or later.” Seth rapped at the door gently and cajoled. I shook my head wearily, letting out a whimper and bringing my knees closer to my chest.

Sobs wrecked my body as I wailed louder and louder. This was the kind of moment where you wished there was a hole for you to dig and hide into. Either that or the alternative option was to build a time machine and go back to yesterday, where I would sneakily collect all the alcoholic drinks and throw them away. That way, no one would have seen me…like that.

And unfortunately, none of those options were realistic.

“No, I’m never coming out.” I lamented between sniffles.

“Yes you are.” A faint voice insisted and I gasped. It was Cole.

Heat crept up my cheeks as I turned a bright shade of red in embarrassment. Memories from yesterday came flooding back like a tsunami. Gosh, I swear I was never touching any alcoholic drinks ever again.

My hand unconsciously crawled up to my lip as my heart started picking up pace. Those lips had brushed against Cole’s “totally kissable lips” last night, and even in my drunken state, I was sure there were sparks flying around somewhere.

“Mmft.” I grimaced, trying to shake those evil thoughts out of my mind. Maybe I was still a little tipsy, that’s why I had all these weird ways of thinking. I mean, pft, I do not have a crush on Cole still right?

Yes you do. A voice from behind my head sounded and my mouth gaped open in horror. Crap, was I showing signs of an emotional breakdown? Why was my mind contradicting with itself?

No I don’t. I hypnotized myself as I clenched my teeth, balling my hands up into fists. No I don’t, No I don’t, No I don’t. I do not have a crush on Cole!

Stop hypnotizing yourself. It’s stupid. The whole wide world knows you have a crush on Cole. Admit. It.  Again! This little wretched…mind of mine! Stop it! Stop injecting stupid ideas into me and making me feel all confused again!

“Shut up! I do not have a crush on Cole!”

My hand flew to my mouth when I realized that I had said it out loud. Oh god, Oh god, Oh god, this is the perfect time to slam my head to a wall and just ending my life there and then, rather than face Cole. Pray he doesn’t hear this, please!

“W-what did you say, Alyssa?” Cole sounded like he was stifling a laugh and I quickly grabbed a pillow and flung it across the room, onto the closed door.

“Nothing!” I protested immediately. “I didn’t say anything! You didn’t hear anything!”

I could imagine him raising his eyebrows with that entertained look hung on his face. Oh, and that smirk too. Ugh. I hate that smirk.

“Wow, that’s some denying there!” Seth joined in with Cole as they broke into spontaneous fits of laughter, which only made my cheeks flame a darker red. I probably looked like I had just ran a 10 kilometer marathon.

“Jerks!” I spat out in disgust and embarrassment. “Idiots! Assholes! Dumbasses! Buttface!”

I let out a loud groan as I collapsed onto the bed, frenziedly messing up my hair in exasperation.

“Seriously Al? Buttface? That’s the best comeback you can come up with?” Seth teased and I slapped my hand to my forehead, dragging my hand along my features. Then, at the same stop where I had face-palmed myself, a throbbing began. Not just a throbbing, but a very hard, and immensely painful throbbing.

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