Chapter Nineteen - Dancing in Hospital Robes

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I think my mum heard the loud thud I created on the floor, as I heard faint footsteps that were quick and hurried. Then came her ear-piercing screams as she found me on the floor. I couldn’t find the energy to lift my eyelids so they remained closed. I perked my ears to hear what was around me, my teeth chattering in the cold.

“Today’s thunderstorm has been the biggest in twenty years, with its big winds and heavy rain pours, I doubt the dark clouds will be driven away any sooner. I suggest all you listeners to stay at home, and avoid going outdoors.” I heard the DJ’s crisp clear voice boom from the radio.

Jeremy. His name just suddenly popped into my mind. How is he? Is he still stuck in the rain? I squirmed about on the floor, my body dripping wet.

I felt a warm hand brush my wet bangs that matted on my head away, and then went up to my forehead, touching it gently. “Oh my!” My mother gasped, her voice full of worry and anxiousness. “You’ve got an awful high fever! Your forehead’s really hot!” I imagined my mum’s hand flying to her mouth as she hovered over me, not knowing what to do.

But I didn’t feel hot. I felt cold. Very cold.

“C-cold.” My lips quivered, my voice shaky like hell. I coiled myself up into a ball, trying my best to keep the wind from pinching at my body.

I heard my mum pace around the room, trying to cool herself down, chanting “It’s gonna be okay, Alyssa honey is gonna be okay.”

After what seemed like forever, she took a deep gulp and stopped right in her tracks in front of me.

“Darling, are you listening to me? Uh…” My mum croaked. “We…w-we need to send you to the hospital…ASAP.” She frantically rubbed her hands up and down my arms, giving me some warmth. My tensed body relaxed immediately.

It took me my all to nod my head slowly, and then I dropped my head back to the floor limply. I felt something drape over me. It must be a towel. I lifted my trembling hands to grab the towel, pulling it closer to me, grateful for the little insulation it brought.

I felt the world spinning above me, and my head throbbed like crazy, hurting like crazy. Butterflies tumbled about in my stomach and a nauseating feeling came over me as I grimaced, cringing my face up in discomfort.

I heard my mum’s fingers dance on the keys of her mobile phone and then after a long awkward dial tone, I heard a muffled voice as my mother conversed—more like argued—with the nurse. She was so adamant that the ambulance brave through the rain for me.

“I don’t care whether your ambulance gets hit by a tree! No, I won’t calm down! My daughter’s struggling for her life! Come…NOW!” She hissed through gritted teeth and she hung up, panting a little.

 The next thing I knew, there were new voices around me, voices I didn’t recognize. They were probably paramedics. 

“Can you walk honey?” A sweet voice with a thick British accent asked me, concerned.

“No.” I responded with much effort, my throat parched. Funny huh, I just went through the biggest thunderstorm but I still felt dehydrated.

“Okay, we’re going to lift you up a stretcher now, sweetie. But we have to take your towel away from you. You’ve got a terrible infection, and if we don’t bring down your temperature, you’ll burn from inside. You clear?”

“Crystal.” I croaked as I felt someone tug at my towel. I grabbed it, before letting it go with much hesitation. I’m freezing cold now! Who cares whether my intestines were burning or not! At least change my soaked clothes, please. I begged silently, to no one in particular.

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