Chapter Forty-Three - The Truth

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I hastily threw on my outfit, panicking on the inside.


I dug into my makeup case for my mascara, pouring out all the contents in my hurry. Sheesh, Cole! Stop rushing me!


Ah, there is was. Swiftly applying my mascara while Cole counted down the time, I accidentally poked myself in the eye with that black gooey pen.


Ouch, ouch, ouch. I grimaced, gritting my teeth together. Nevertheless, I managed to powder on some blusher before speeding for the door.

“One—and a half!”

I turned the knob.

“One and a quarter!”

Opened the door.


And there he was, smirking down at me while I panted heavily, my chest heaving up and down.

I shot him a nasty glare. “Impatient much?”


I gave Cole the cold shoulder while he rattled on and on. As trees zipped past us—or rather, we zoomed past them—a nostalgic feeling washed over me. We were reaching, soon.

 “C’mon,” Cole nudged me with his elbow, pouting a little. “Don’t be such a brat.”

“Says the brat himself.” I deadpanned back and he frowned slightly, obviously offended. Ha! Take that, you meanie!

“Fine!” He swung his head the opposite direction from me. I could sense that he was pouting.

I stifled a laugh. It wasn’t everyday you see Cole’s cute little child side of him. Wait, cute? No no no no, he’s definitely not cute. You have a boyfriend, Alyssa. He’s your brother. Not. Meant. To. Be.

“What are you doing?” Cole speculated, sending me a concerned look. My hands slowly slid back down to my sides when I realized I was smacking my cheeks with them. Heat crept up my neck as I slouched back deeper into my chair.

“Hey.” Cole killed the silence. Oh thank god, it was getting stuffy down here.

“Hey back.” I said flatly, not knowing what to reply. Sadly, it had become awkward with Cole ever since…you know, the whole drunkard event.

He bit his lip for a second before glancing sideways at me. “C-can I challenge you to something?”

I nodded my head warily. “Bring it on.”

Cole seemed to ponder over things for a second, before his head that was hung low at first shot back up. A smile found its way onto his face as he leaned towards me. He waggled his eyebrows in a challenging manner. “Say, the quick brown fox jumps over the fence.”

That was random. But nevertheless, “The quick brown fox jumps over the fence.”

Cole shook his head, clicking his tongue. “No no no, my dear Alyssa. Try again.”

My forehead crumpled into a slight frown. I didn’t know where I went wrong. “The quick brown fox jumps over the fence.”

Again, those dreaded words filled my ears. “Wrong.”

I let out a breath, pinching the bridge of my nose before I continued with the not-so-tongue-twisting tongue twister Cole set for me. “The quick brown fox jumps over the fence!”

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