Chapter Four - Meet Jeremy.

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  • Dedicated to My cute little friends.


“Jeremy, Cole. Cole, Jeremy.” I abruptly introduced the two to each other before plopping down onto my seat.

“Hi, I’m sorry if our first meeting was a little…rushed. I’m Jeremy.” Jeremy beamed at Cole, stretching out a welcoming hand.

Cole stared at the hand, as if thinking whether to accept it or not, before sticking out his tongue and scoffing, “Well I’m not sorry.” and leaving a stunned Jeremy to shake hands with the cold air.

A frown nestled between my features as I pushed up my specs before they slid down again. “Cole, be nice.” I warned, glaring at him.

“Meh, not in the mood.” Cole shrugged, sloppily slapping Jeremy’s hand before parking his butt on the seat on my right.

Jeremy coughed uncomfortably, pulling back his hand in awkwardness. I smiled wryly at him, silently apologizing for Cole’s rudeness. What was with Cole today? Not that I knew him for very long, but still…

“Hey!” I protested. “Who gave you the right to sit here?”

Cole sent me a smirk, and I have grown to hate it when he did that. “Me, of course.”

My frown grew deeper as I let out an indignant huff. “Why don’t you go sit with those girls or those guys or whatever the popular gang is?” I crossed my arms around my chest, not at all enjoying the attention Cole—and I, indirectly—were getting. Girls were getting their last minute make-up done, before waving cheerfully at Cole, and guys were rumbling in their deep tones, “Hey, Cole, wanna seat here?”

Cole shook his head. “Who said I want to sit with them?”

His question caught me off guard. I blinked at him, my jaw hanging open. It never occurred to me that Cole didn’t want the attention, but then again…”You just want to annoy me during class don’t you?”

“Heh. Maybeee? Maybe not?” Cole scratched his chin, glancing at me cheekily sideways.

Huh. Knew it. Cole wouldn’t be so nice to sit with a nerd like me. Very soon he’ll go join in with the popular crowd; it’s just a matter of time.

When I saw Jeremy loitering around his desk, his eyebrows knitted together, I raised a brow. “Uh, Jeremy, why are you pacing around? Sit.” I patted the chair beside him, feeling excitement tingle through me. Finally. Finally Jeremy was back.

“But—“ He blinked, an uncomfortable look twisting his features.

“But what?”

“There’s…dust.” He swiped a finger across the desk, removing a layer of dust that caked his table and grimacing in disgust.

“Yuck.” I cringed my nose along with him, before offering to clean it up for him. “Here, let me do it, you spoilt brat.” I teased, getting a few tissue wipes to clean the dust off.

Jeremy gave me an awkward side-hug over the shoulder, smiling broadly at me. “Thanks, Alyssa.”

Jeremy is my best friend, my only friend, to be exact. We’ve been friends for like, forever, ever since he came to my house with his parents. We were five then. Of course, I was not that gloomy when I was five. Things were much more innocent and sweet then. But Jeremy had that aura around him, a maturity that no five years old child would have. He looked…miserable. You see, his parents were very rich people. Filthy rich. The only reason they came to our humble house was because his mother was my mother’s best friend. They both had a passion for animals, so my mother became a member of the “Animal Protector” organization, whereas Jeremy’s mother became a renowned vet. Jeremy’s father was the owner of a big organization. Heck, I didn’t even know what business they were in! They had hotels, mining grounds, all the way to clothing lines!

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