1: What Comes Next: Countdown (1)

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King George X Reader


"Your majesty we made the decision of you staying in tonight and not going out for New Years we don't know what could happen." One of the court informed George.

He rolled his eyes, and kept heading for the doors of the castle. "I know that you have reached a decision, but given that it is a stupid ass decision, I have elected to ignore it."


"(Y/N) come on we don't wanna be late for the ball!" Your brother Alex shouted at you. New Years was always an anxious time, and the fact that Alex was forcing you to go to the Schuyler sisters ball did not bode well with your nerves. You looked in the mirror at your (f/c) dress and took deep breaths. Maybe it won't happen this year, you told yourself, but you couldn't help but worry about you possibly waking up in your soulmates body.

    "(Y/N) come on! The general is going to be there and I wanna make a good impression!" You had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes at your brothers eagerness.

"Calm yourself Alex, it is only a short carriage ride away! Now come help me with my shoes I can't see over this giant skirt."


King George walked out of the back of the palace where all the deliveries came into and he sauntered into the main city where a festival was being held. Gratefully nobody recognized him as the King of their great nation as he pushed his way through the crowd. Music played from the middle of the plaza and was loud enough to be heard over the chatter.

He made his way past a bar where are the festival goers seemed to get their drinks. He heard a commotion from inside and decided to look into it.

George walked inside as someone ran out yelling: "THE COUNTDOWN IS COMING THE COUNTDOWN IS COMING!"

"Countdown? Excuse me miss what is the countdown?" George asked a random woman in the bar.

"You'll find out handsome.." The woman slurred. "I hope I get paired with you..."

"Paired? What?" Before he could ask any more questions chanting started in the bar and in the square.


It seemed like it was coming from everywhere.



Maybe it wasn't a good idea to go out tonight.








The music stopped.


Your legs felt like jelly from all the dancing. Countless suitors talked about them being your soulmate, but you knew they weren't. Your brother told you the story of when he and his soulmate, Eliza Schuyler, switched bodies. You were mesmerized and horrified of the thought of waking up in another body, and with the revolution stirring you couldn't help but worry as to who your soulmate was, and if they could possibly die in the war, or even worse, they were already dead.

You were pulled out of your thoughts when your soon to be sister in law Eliza grabbed you by the forearm,

"C'mon (Y/N), the countdown is starting, don't you want to be with everyone to ring in the new year?" You wanted to tell her about your worries, but you felt foolish, so you kept it to yourself and hoped that your soulmate wouldn't make a fool in front of your friends.

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