14: I Fell For You

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Hercules Mulligan X Reader


"Mon amie, go talk to her!" Lafayette tried to coerce Hercules to go talk to the girl he's been staring at for the past 10 minutes.

"Hush, I will." Herc grumbled. He would do it right now if he knew what to say.

"Are you nervous? I thought you were the 'All Mighty Hercules Mulligan that can get any girl he wants'?" John taunted.

"Shut up." Hercules sighed and looked over again, just to be caught by the girl's friend, he looked away again.


"Those guys across the bar is looking at you." Maria nudged your shoulder.

"They're looking at you, Maria. Besides if they were, there's not much to look at." You said motioning towards your t-shirt and sweatpants.

"Quiet, you look fine- Oooooo one of them are coming over here, see ya later, (Y/n)!" Maria picked up her drink and walked away. You were stunned by her words for a second.

"Wait, no! Maria, wait!" You begged, but it was no use, the guy had reached you and Maria was lost in the crowd.

"Bartender." The guy sat down a stool away from you. He held up a hand signaling for the bartender to come towards him.

"Yeah?" He sounded annoyed, but then brightened up when he saw the guy that called him over. "Hercules, my favorite customer, what can I do for ya?"

You sipped your drink, and tried not to make it noticeable that you were listening to every word of the conversation.

"Few more rounds for the table, please." The man named Hercules asked.

"Sure thing." The bartender clicked his tongue then went to work on the shots.

"Hi." You decided to speak first.

"Hello, my name is Mercules Hulli- Mercules Mulliga- Hercules Mulligan! That's it!" A deep blush crossed the poor guy's face and you smiled.

"Y/N Y/L/N." You introduced yourself, and you both shook hands.

"So, what....brings you to the bar?" Hercules asked awkwardly like he had suddenly changed his mind in the middle on the sentence.

"Good drinks." You lifted your own cup.

"True that. True that..." He trailed off nodding. You could see the bartender shaking his head as he put the tray of shots on the counter.

"Here you go." The bartender said as he gave Hercules two pity taps on the shoulder as to say, 'Go home buddy. You fucked up.'

Hercules took his cue and picked up the tray turning to leave, but not before saying goodbye. As he was walking away he tripped over his feet but quickly regained his composure, not letting his drinks fall.

"Poor boy." Maria said as she sat next to you, obviously seeing the whole awkward show.

"I think it was adorable."


"Yeah, as my Dad always says, 'If the guy doesn't act awkward around you, he's most likely just trying to get in your pant and I aiN'T READY TO BE NO GRANDPA, SO WATCH YOURSELF, MISsy!" You quieted down when you earned a few stares.

"Wow, now I really want to meet your father."


"How bad was it?" Hercules currently had his head face down on the table in front of him.


"Hey!" John protested.

"Mon amie, on ne peut échapper que la chute."

"Lafayette, I can't speak french." Hercules lifted up his head.

"He basically said you fucked up." John explained, still laughing at Hercules, and so were the others.

"I know. I know! I just didn't know what to say."

"Hey, buddy, it's okay. All of us have our downfalls."

"That's right, mon amie. Tell you what? We'll help you."

"You guys?" Hercules sat up.

"Hey, we all have girlfriends." Lafayette protested. "Even Laurens."

"Why do you guys pick on me?" John whined, drowning his drink.

"But seriously, we'll help you."

Hercules took another look to you and your friend. It was just as you and Mariah were getting up to leave, and you had also decided to sneak another glance. You caught him, he caught you, and you both looked away in embarrassment.

"Okay, let's do this." Hercules said determinedly

John smiled, "Okay, first of all. Lets teach you how to pronounce your-"

"Don't you start." Herc sent a glare to his friend.


"Maria, why are we here again?" You asked while being dragged to the bar.

"We're here to drink. That's what a bar is for." Maria said like it was obvious.

"But I have finals in the-"

"Hey, Y/n." An unfamiliar voice cut you off. You turned around to see a guy with shoulder length brown hair standing with a tray of drinks in his hands.

"Hey, h-how do you know my name?" You questioned ready to punch this guy in the face, grab Maria, and run if you needed to.

"I'm Alex, a friend of Hercules." He explained and you were confused for a second.

"Hercules..." You thought real hard and then remembered. "Oh, Hercules! I remember him!"

"Yeah, him. I was wondering, since the bar is full, if you and your friend would like to sit at our table?"

"Yeah, sure!" Maria answered for you, and stepped ahead of you. "I'm Maria by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Maria." Alex winked at her and started walking towards his table.

Maria turned and smiled at you.

"Maria, no." You shook your head.

"Maria, yes." She grabbed you arm and followed Alex. WHen you three got to the table Maria sat you down in an empty seat then proceed to say that she was going to get drinks.The men around the table then all wanted to go with her, leaving you alone with one other guy. Oh, and look, you had been seated right next to him, but you didn't mind because it was Hercules.

"Hello! Hercules, right?" You knew his name, but your nerves made you think you were wrong.

"Yep... uh... Hi, Y/n." He said slowly.

You smiled at his awkwardness.

"So, I was thinking." He started speaking, but trailed off. "Do you know why I tripped the other day?"

You nodded.

"Because I fell for you." He told you with a small smile, and your own grew wider.

You loved pick up lines 'cause they always made you laugh in a good way. You looked down, hiding your smile.

"Y/n." His voice was quiet.

"Yeah?" You looked up, hopeful, was he going to ask you out?

Herc took a deep breath, "Um..."

You gave a small chuckle, "Hercules, do you want to go out sometime?"

"It would be a pleasure." Hercules smiled which made you smile even more.

"Finally! Mon Dieu, that was the most second hand embarrassment I've experienced in my life!"

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