76: Au Clair de la Lune Pt. 3

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Phillip Hamilton x Jefferson's Daughter!Reader


You closed your pack and attached it to the saddle of your horse.

Your horse moved and started making small neighing noises. You shushed her and rubbed her neck. "We need to be quiet, Darling. We can't wake up dad."

She let out a huff of air and you placed a kiss to her neck. You grabbed hold of the saddle and lifted your foot to the stirrup. You were about to mount Darling when someone spoke behind you.

"Don't forget your money." Sally said behind you, and you just about jumped out of your skin.

You couldn't see her much because of the dim light of the Stable's single candle. You heard her step forward and take your hand. She placed a pouch in your hand. You thanked her and turned to put the pouch in your pack. You knew you had forgotten something. You breathed in before closing your pouch again. You couldn't believe you were really doing this.

Earlier, you had written a note to your father explaining that you just wanted to travel, which all and all wasn't a complete lie. You wanted to travel, but your main motives was love.

"Do you know when Philip will be here?" You asked Sally. "The sooner we leave, the better."

"He'll be here soon, Y/n. I talked to him this morning, and he seemed to want to do this." Sally informed you, you nodded. "Do you... want to do this Y/n? I mean- Are you sure?"

You turned around again and thought for a second. "Yes, I do. I want love. I don't want my father to smother me just because he misses mom. I miss her too, and I never got to meet her but I know she would want this. For me to follow my heart."

"She would, Y/n." Sally said after a moment. "I'm going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss you too, Sal." You pulled her into a hug, and she hugged you back, holding on tightly. You breathed in and pulled her closer. The two of you stayed like that for a moment and you regretting wanting to leave. You regretted leaving her alone.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." You heard a voice that you thought you would never hear again. Especially after what your father said in the meadow.

You let go of Sally and looked towards the stable entrance. A huge smile on your face.

There Philip stood next to his own horse, you had come to know as Benjamin, smiling as big as you were. You picked up your skirts and ran towards him, straight into his arms. He laughed as you crashed into him,and held on.

"I missed you so much." You spoke into his chest.

"We were apart for two days." He chuckled and your heart warmer, feeling the vibrations in his chest.

You hugged him tighter, tears pricked your eyes, "I still missed you."

"I missed you more." He pressed a kiss to the top of your head and rubbed your back, sniffling himself.

"Not possible." You shook your head.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Philip took your face in his hands, looking you in your eyes straight into your soul like he always did. You kept your arms around him.

"No..." You answered. "...but I'm sure that I love you, and if this is the only way we'll be together than so be it."

"Y/n?" Another voice entered the conversation and you tensed.

You broke the hug and Philip moved to your side. Your heart was beating a thousand beats per minute. Your father stood in front of you and Philip. You grabbed Philip's hand.

"I thought... I thought you were just mad at me. I went to your room to talk to you about it." He held up a piece of parchment and your breath caught. The note you wrote him. "You can't tell me that what you told Sally is true. You can't tell me that you're leaving."

"I- I am, and you can't stop me."

"I... I can't lose you too, Y/n, please." Your father pleaded with you. His own candle illuminated his face. Tears welled up in his eyes and it broke your heart that you were breaking his.

Phillip squeeze you hand, "Y/n, maybe we shouldn't-"

"No!" You let go of his hand. "I'm tired of hiding my relationship from you, of pretending I don't love him when I do. Don't you understand? I love him. Just like you loved mom."

"I don't want to lose you." Your father pleaded with you.

"And you don't have to." You took another step forward and raised your hand to his arm. "Just let me love him, papa. Please."

Thomas, after a minute, rose his head. He looked at Philip. "Do you love her?"


"Are you sure? Are you absolutely, completely, 100 and 10 percent sure that you love her? That you'll never hurt her, or do what your father did? Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm completely sure, sir." Philip stepped forward and took your hand in his. Raising it to his lips and looking into your eyes as he placed a kiss to it. "I love her."

Thomas let out of breath, he didn't feel content, but instead acceptance. "Then so be it."


The meadow was filled with children's laughter, you sat next to your husband, Philip, and rested your head on his shoulder. It was night and you had stopped by before heading out of town for the fall. You needed to get back to traveling, but you didn't want to call the kids over just yet.

They were having fun playing in the same meadow you met Philip in. You looked out to them, surrounded by the French Marigolds your mother so loved. You felt as if as they were playing out there, she was with them. It brought a tears to your eyes, and a smile to your face.

You stood up and tried to climb off the carriage, refusing the help from your husband. You climbed down and walked the path to a particularly thriving patch of French Marigolds.

You closed your eyes for just a moment as the wind blew and brushed against your face. It was crazy, but when that happened you couldn't help but to think that it was your mother holding your face in her hands.

Your hand instinctively moved to your belly, rubbing the space where your swollen stomach was holding your baby. You hummed softly the lullaby your mother imprinted into your head. The one you and your family adored. You bent down and reached for the petals of the Marigolds, not wanting to break them. Everything was right au clair de la lune.


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