59: Tears Over Beers (2)

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James Madison X Reader



Once you were out of earshot, Thomas immediately started apologizing, "Dude, I'm sorry, I thought that was your plan and that you changed-"

"It's okay." James cut him off. "It's fine. I'm just gonna go home."

"What about pizza?"

"She seems a little busy and I'm tired. I'm going home. See you Monday."

"Yeah, see you Monday."

Thomas watched as James got in his car and drove away. Thomas sighed and headed towards the locker room.

You turned to James, who was across from you eating his lunch, "Hey James, can you give me a ride? My mom took the car today, and I'm meeting Eliza to get ready for Homecoming."

"I'd rather not." James mumbled.


"What? I said I'd... slap a knot."

"That makes even less sense." Your eyebrows knitted in confusion.

"Sorry, I'm just really tired, and I don't think I can drive you home." James picked at his food, not making eye contact with you, "My mom needs me to help out and slap a knot."

You rolled your eyes, "Whatever, James, I'll just go ask Thomas."


You currently sat in the passenger side of Thomas car, you sighed, "Thomas do you know what's up with James?"

Thomas shifted uncomfortably in his seat, "No.. Why?"

You looked over to him, and smirked, "You do know. Tell me."

"You know what I want? Fro-yo." He tried to redirect.

"Don't turn the conversation. Tell me, Thomas." You pressed.

"Look, it's not my place to tell you."

"Wait. Is James gay? ARE YOU TWO DATING?!"

"NO!!! NO! Definitely. Not."


Thomas sighed, "Well, let's just say he's having girl problems."

You smirked, "His period?"

"(Y/n), think about what you just said." Thomas shook his head.

"I know what I said, Thomas. I'm pulling your leg." You let out a small laugh.

"Ha. Ha." Thomas said as he pulled up to your house.

You opened the door, and grabbed your backpack, "Thanks again, Tommy."

"Good luck."

"Doofus." You shut the door and headed for your house, opening the front door and running up to your room. You threw your backpack down and called Eliza.


"It was such a dream! Hercules was such a gentleman the entire night, he even opened the car door for me!" You paused to look at James. A sigh escaped your mouth. "James are you even listening?"

"Oh my god... he opened the car door. You're so blessed."

"Okay. That's it, what's wrong James? You've been extra moody."

"Nothing. I'm just tired of hearing about your date. If you want to talk about it so much go gush to your new 'best friend' Eliza."

"Okay, I will. At least she cares."

"Wait, (Y/n). He didn't mean it."

"No. If he's so tired of seeing me actually being happy, then I don't need him."

And with that you left, that was you and James' first fight of many.


It's been a month since Homecoming and you've hardly spoke to James. Riding home with Thomas had become normal, so did you sitting with Herc, Eliza and the others. You and Hercules were now in an official relationship and it felt great.

The final bell rang and you marched out of your elective class to meet Thomas at his locker.

"Hey Y/n." Thomas greeted.

"Hey Tommy. Ready to go?" You asked adjusting your backpack.

"Ready..." Thomas trailed off and rummaged through his bag seemingly looking for something. "Scratch that. Not ready."

"What is it?"

"My playbook. I think I left it in my other locker. I'll be right back. Meet me at the car?"

"Yeah, sure." You nodded and he headed off towards the locker room while you went towards the parking lot.


Thomas opened the door to the Boy's locker room immediately smelling the scent of Axe body spray in a hopeless attempt to cover up B.O.

Coach Washington, who coached the football team and taught government. He exited his office, seeing Thomas entering, he said, "Hey, Tom. What're you doing here? There's no practice."

"I know, just forgot my playbook." Thomas explained.

"Ahh. Okay. I'll leave you to it." Coach Washington nodded, then said, "See you tomorrow."

"Same to you, Coach."

Washington closed his door, and Thomas headed towards his locker. As he got closer he heard a few voices having a conversation. Thomas decided to ignore it, until he heard your name mentioned.

"... I still can't believe you're still going out with her, man."

"What can I say? I'm-"

"-Hercules Mulligan!" The group finished for him. Thomas peered behind the lockers towards the boys.

John, Herc, Laf and Alex laughed and went back to gathering their things. Burr was standing off to the said, cleaning equipment.

Hercules picked up his backpack and so did the others. They went towards the locker room door.

"Alexander, you still owe me for the bet." Hercules informed.

"No, I don't. I specifically said if you get laid before a month after Homecoming, then I would pay you."

"You argue too much." Burr shook his head

"He's got a point Herc."

"Okay, okay. Trust me. I will get my money 'cause I'm-"

"Hercules Mulligan."


After that, the rowdy boys left, and Thomas went back to his locker, quickly opening it, taking the playbook, and then closing it. Aaron, hearing the commotion, rounded the corner to see who was there.

"Thomas?" He questioned, but who else would have that unruly hair.

Thomas, not realizing how mad he actually was, felt a bout of rage overcome him. He dropped his bag and basically attacked Aaron, pushing him up against the bank of lockers.

"Tell me about the bet, Burr." 

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