7: Félicitations

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King George X Reader


You spent days thinking about how to tell George the big news. He was currently in France, on behalf of England, trying to solve a problem between two major companies before it turned into a war. So, you couldn't tell him in person, he was supposed to be there for at least another month.

But then you finally got an idea.

Facetiming The Small Crumpet

Isn't that supposed to be Smol?


"Hello, beautiful!" Your husband's face replaced the contact picture you had set for him. You could tell he was walking from the way he kept looking at you and looking up, then the whole video picture was going up and down.

"Hey!" You said with excitement, but on the inside you were nervous. You saw him stop and hold his unoccupied arm out.

"TAXI!" George yelled and you groaned at the sound that blasted in your ears for both of you were wearing headphones. A few seconds later the light that was hitting George's face disappeared. You heard a door close and George tell the driver where to go.

"Did you get what I sent you?" You asked as he sat back in his seat.

"No...? Wait, hold on let me check!" His face went out of frame and you heard the latching on his briefcase open, and then the shuffling of paper.

"Um... I have nothing from you..." His face came back into frame. "How about you look, I forgot my glasses."

The screen footage flipped to the back camera.

"That's weird, I sent it on express it should be there by now-" In the mess George called a briefcase, you saw a white envelope on the screen. Oh! That's it!"


"The envelope!"

"The envelope?"

"Yes!" You answered and George's hand enter the camera's view, picking up the envelope and taking it out of view.

"Hospital...? Hospital?! Y/n, are you okay?!" His face was back on the screen, concern prominent on his face.

"George, calm down, it's nothing bad, I promise! Just open it!" You smiled in reassurance. George looked skeptical, but set down the phone to open the envelope, but you could still see his face when it contorted into confusion.

"What are-" Realization reached his eyes and he picked up the phone. "Wait, Y/N- Love, are these what I think they are?!"

His face was a mix of surprise and pure happiness, and that gave you relief. Your own smile got wider. "Yeah, they are."

"YOU'RE PREGNANT!" He yelled in excitement flailing around the ultrasound pictures you had sent him, of your growing baby.

"I AM!" You said in equal emotion.

"OH LOOK THERE THEY ARE!" George pointed at the ultrasound picture that you had printed out for him in excitement. "HOW FAR ALONG ARE YOU?"

"TWO MONTHS!" You replied.

"TWO MONTHS?! Honey why didn't you tell me!"

You shrugged, "I didn't know how."

"It doesn't matter." His smile was still on his face. "Driver?"

"Oui? Tout va bien, je l'ai entendu crier..?" You heard the taxi driver ask, silently thanking George for teaching you French that one time. ((Yes? Is everything okay, I heard screaming?))

"Oui, mais changement de plans , me prendre à l'aéroport." ((Yes, but change of plans, take me to the airport.)) His blue eyes went back to you full of love. "I'm taking the first flight back. My wife is pregnant, and I'm gonna be there for it."

"Félicitations!" The driver replied.

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