34: Duets

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Leslie Odom Jr. X Reader


Leslie and Lin stood outside of the club waiting to get in.

"I don't understand why you wanted to set me up. I can get my own dates you know?" Leslie bounced trying to keep himself warm. The December air was harsh and it felt like his nose was going to fall off. He pulled his scarf up do that it covered his nose.

"How long has it been since you went on a date Leslie?" Lin looked over to his friend, knowing the answer fully well. Lin nodded content with the lack of answer, "Exactly."

"Why did you choose here of all places?"

"They have live music. I think you'll like it."

"Go on in." The line moved forward as people came out stopping just as Lin and Leslie went in. They took seats at a table not far away from the stage.

"Ok, so her name is (y/n) and she's wearing a (f/c) dress. I'll be over at the bar if you need anything!" Leslie shot Lin a look as if saying 'Are you serious dude?'. Lin walked away giving you a thumbs up.

At that moment a drummer sat behind their set, and started patting on the symbals, Leslie sat down. A large man with a smooth voice came to stand in front of the microphone, and said, "And now, ladies and gentlemen, the musical stylings of Ms. Y/n L/n."

Leslie looked up as he heard his date's name, and applause erupted through the crowd. A woman, wearing a f/c dress, crossed the stage to the microphone, which the man gave to her happily. She thanked him, and took the microphone off of the stand, grabbing the cord and pulling it a little so she could move. The symbals stopped.

For Leslie it seemed like everything stopped really. He was captivated by the way she moved across the stage, and as if he wasn't locked in enough, when she sung, it was the best sound he had ever heard. '

After she finished singing, Y/n brought the microphone up to her lips and smiled at the applause.

"How y'all doing tonight?" She asked, the smile prominent on her face when she got a positive response.

Her smile 'could light up the heavens'. Leslie thought.

"That's good. That's good." Y/n nodded as she moved to the other side of the stage towards Leslie. "Well for the people that don't know me, I'm Y/n L/n, as Mick said earlier, and I like to sing, but I really like to sing in duets. Who else?"

A few people in the crowd cheered including Leslie a bit.

Lin returned with his drink, sitting down, smirking at the lovestruck face Leslie had.

"Hey, Y/n!" He called. You looked over at him, recognizing the voice, "How about you do a duet with my friend here?"

"What?" Leslie snapped out of his thoughts.

"Sure!" You said into the microphone, and the crowd cheered.

"No, I-" Leslie started, but he was cut off by Lin beginning to chant.

"Les-lie! Les-lie! Les-lie! Les-lie!" He chanted, and then others started joining in.

"Les-lie! Les-lie! Les-lie! Les-lie!" They chanted, but Leslie kept refusing. Until he heard Y/n's voice through the speakers chanting too. You stepped off the stage and made the short distance over to him.

"Sing a duet with me?" She asked/

"Okay." Leslie agreed.

"He said yes!" Y/n told everyone through the microphone. The club cheered as she led him onto the stage. "So, what do you want to sing?"

That one question led to a relationship, which led to a marriage, which led to children, and grandchildren. And even 30 or so years later, Leslie could never thank Lin enough for making him sing with the best person in his life.

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