49: Valentine's Special: Happy Valentine's Day!!

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Phillip Hamilton X Reader

Okay, so this is the unedited version. I'm out right now so I can't upload the real one, but it's not too much different. I'll get him and update again in about 4 hours! Enjoy the Valentine's special!! (i know it's super late too, but we just finished it last night)


"NO PEEKING." Phillip screamed through the door.

"C'mon Phillip please???" You said back.

"No, Y/n! It's called a surprise for a reason, you'll find out on valentine's day!"

"Ugh!" You groaned and stomped into the kitchen. Your boyfriend Phillip has locked you out of your shared room until Valentine''s Day. Which was tomorrow. "I want my damn bed, not the couch! What are you planning that it keeps me from my comfort?!"

"We have a pullout couch for a reason!" He hollered.

"Just come out of the room, Phillip! We live in an apartment! We're going to get a noise complaint!" You yelled back. "Again!"

"Babe, as much as I'd love that, I'd prefer to stay here." You could practically hear the smirk in his voice. The smug bastard.

"Well if you won't let me in, I'm going out with Theo!" You announced. "I'll be back by 10!" You slammed the door behind you and headed to the elevator.


You walked up to the cafe and sat across from your best friend, Theodosia.

"Bastard's trying to prove he can out-romance me by giving me the best Valentine's Day ever." You said and you plopped down into the seat with your drink.

"Hello to you too!" She chuckled, but when she saw the seriousness on your face she sighed. "Why is everything always a competition with you two?"

"Competition implies he gets to win!" You laughed. You thought for a second, "Can you help me pick out a wedding ring?"

Theodosia nearly spit out her drink.

"God you're crazy."

"Thank you." You both laughed, and ordered drinks. For the next half hour you talked about which stores you should go to. When you finished your drinks you both left.

"I'm thinking a huge diamond... Or maybe Sapphire?"

"Hmm... I don't know. I don't think you're the sapphire kind of gal."

"Theo..." you dragged on. "It's not for me! Remember?"

"Oh, true."

"Oh, this is going to be so fun!"

Over the next two hours you and Theo looked over every ring. Sapphire or Pearl. Big or small. Round or square. You were exhausted and low on hope.

And then you spotted it. Well, technically Theo did, but hey Phillip doesn't need to know that.

"It's perfect."

You might've made the sales clerk deaf from all the squealing.

"I suppose you want that one?" The clerk said while massaging his temple.

"Yes." You looked up at him, "Yes, I do."


Meanwhile in the apartment...

"Are you sure she won't be home?" His mother inquired.

"Yeah, she went out with Theo."

"Great., because i brought back up." Eliza opened the door to reveal her husband and his friends.

"Oh dear god."

"Oui?" A collective groan ensued.

"Lafayette for the last time, you are not god."

"This is going to be a long day."

"Then we should get started."

It was going to be a long evening. Alexander had been 'lovingly' slapped upside the head by his wife, not to mention the others had received a few also.

Phillip nervously ran around the shared bedroom trying to fix everything to look perfect.


You snuck into your apartment, shopping bag in hand. You quickly hid it in the one place Phillip would never go.

The dishwasher. Phillip has never touched it, and probably never will for as long as he lived.

"Y/n? Is that you?"

You slammed the dishwasher shut right as Phillip waltz into the kitchen looked frazzled.

"You look more stressed than when I left, Phillip, are you okay?"

"I'm just glad you're home." He paused, "so are you gonna explain the slamming of the dishwasher?"

"It was nothing... I was just checking how many were in there."

Phillip raised his eyebrow. "Yep, none. Maybe we should start using this, or we could replace it! How does a wine cooler sound?" You improvised, silently thanking yourself for wearing anti-perspirant.

"...Okay..." Phillip said, more nervous than curious. He cleared his throat, "What do you want to eat? Italian?!"

You shrugged and dropped your purse on the counter, "Yeah, su-"

"I said: ITALIAN?!"

You jumped at the sudden raise of volume in his voice, "Phillip why are you screaming? You're scaring me..."

"ITALIAN! ITALIAN!" Phillip repeated.

"What, oh. OH!" You heard some voices exclaim.

Within 39 seconds, Phillip's father and his friends burst out of your room dressed as waiters. Hercules whisked you from your spot and lead you to the linen clad table. Laurens set the table, complete with candles and roses, while Lafayette stood by with a fancy serving platter.

You smiled, "Phillip what is this?"

"Happy Valentine's Day, love." Phillip said as he took your hand and kissed your knuckles. He then sat in the chair across from you.

Lafayette stood at the side of the table. He turned towards the two of you, and said, "Bonjour. Je m'appelle Lafayette, I will be your chef tonight. For your entertainment we have this classical motion picture by the name of Lady and the Tramp." (read this in his accent)

You looked over at Phillip. He knew that Lady and The Tramp was your favorite movie. You had watched it so many times at that he loved it just as much too.

"Now, enjoy." He bowed and exited the room. Eliza took the DVD out of the case and put it into your laptop, which was connected to a projector.

The projector whirred and started up, that's when you noticed a sheet hanging on the wall. Phillip had turned your room into a little movie theatre.

You smiled and proceeded to watch the movie. At some point, you and Phillip had scooter your chairs closer together, and you laid your head on his shoulder.

Soon the scene 'Bella Notte' was coming and you hummed along with Tony, and the chorus. At the beginning of the song, the door to your room opened, and John opened the door, allowing Hercules to step in with a large plate of spaghetti and Alex followed close behind with champagne. Eliza entered with a camera and Lafayette hot on her heels in an apron.

"Bon appetite!" Herc said as he slid the huge plate of spaghetti onto the table.

"Smile!" Eliza exclaimed and you and Phillip smiled happily as he slid his arm around your shoulder and Eliza snapped a picture of the moment.
"Phillip you truly went above and beyond this year." You chuckled, making him think he won this year.

"I want this night to be special because you deserve it." He squeezed you hand, and kissed it.

You chuckled, "You're so damn cheesy."

"And you love it."

"I do." The two of you shared a quick kiss. "Back to the movie!"


A few minutes later John knocked on the door, and entered. He walked briskly over to you, fist closed and whispered in your ear, "I think you're gonna need this."

He then sat the bag, that you brought the ring home in, next to you while Phillip was engrossed in the movie.

After John left, Phillip leaned over and whispered, "What was that about?"

"Ummm.... Tampon????" You panicked.

"Oh, okay." Phillip shrugged and the two of you went back to watching the movie.

Too soon the credits started to roll. Phillip released you from his grip to stretch before pulling you off the couch.

"Phillip." You dragged on, "I was comfortable!"

"I know, but hold on, I have to do this." Phillip stood up and shook off his nervous jitters.

"Oh god, please be cake." You
joked. Phillip turned to glare, effectively shutting you up.

He smiled to soften the glare, "Maybe later, hun. I just want to ask you something."

"...Okay? Is everything alright?"

"Everything is fine, but it would be much better, forever, once I ask you this." Phillip said and gets down on one knee. "Mx. Y/n L/n, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband/wife/spouse?"

No. Fucking. Way.

In hindsight, you probably shouldn't of burst out laughing. You fell on your knees gasping for air before looking up at Phillip's horrified face.

"You don't... Why? Did I do something wrong? Too soon?" He was devastated. "It was too soon wasn't it!"

"Babe. I gotta show you something." You pulled out the ring box from the bag and got down on one knee for emphasis.

"You we're gonna... and then I did... Ohhhhhhhh." Phillip realized what happened.

"Happy Valentine's Day?" You held up your ring for him.

"Happy Valentine's day." He held up his ring, and the two of you shared a kiss after placing the rings on the proper fingers.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Y/n."

"You know that I won right?" Phillip bragged.

"Yeah, okay," You relented. "but next valentine's day, you're in for something amazing."

Phillip smiled, "I can't wait."

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