32: A Million Words: The Big Day (2)

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Thomas Jefferson X Reader


You took a deep breath.

Today was the day.

"How's my little sister feeling?" James entered the spare room in the church.

"Eh." You shrugged.

"Eh?" James questioned.

"IM FLIPPING THE FUCK OUT!" You jumped out of your seat, and

"Okay. One: calm down." James took your hands in his, and showed you how to breathe again. "Two: Everything is planned perfectly. Dolley made sure of that."

You breathed out, feeling a little less stressed, "Alright, okay."

James smiled and squeezed your hands.

Three women, Maria, Angelica and Dolley, opened the door and rushed in.

"Y/n, it's already three and you still have to get into the dress and do your makeup." Dolley breezed through her words. She turned to her husband. "James. Out."

"Yes, dear." James turned back to you. "I'll be right outside if you need me."

He was then pushed out of the tent, by Dolley, who went with him, and the other two women went to work.


"No time to be nervous, Jefferson, get a hold of yourself." Thomas tried to give himself a pep talk.

"Thomas Jefferson? Nervous? I gotta tell Alexander."

Thomas spun around at the sound of a familiar voice, "LAFAYETTE!"

"Oui, oui." Lafayette responded, and the two of them hugged.

((Paradox alert but oh well))

"Hey, félicitations ((congratulations))! You're finally getting married, and to Y/n, none the less!" Lafayette congratulated, and Thomas thanked him.

Dolley peeked her head inside the room, catching the attention of the two men, "Five minutes, Thomas."

"Thanks, Dolley." Thomas nodded.

"Now back to votre nervosité ((your nervousness))."Lafayette said once the door closed again.

"It's not so much as nervousness, but disbelief."

"Ahhh... Go on..."

Thomas rambles on, "I just can't belief that I'm marrying her. It's surreal. I never thought it could -no- would happen. THis is the happiest day if my life."

Lafayette patted Thomas on the shoulder, "The love between the two of you is strong. I bet it's the happiest day of her life too."


"I can't do this!" You were flipping out. Your makeup and hair was done, and your dress was on, but now you were getting a bit of anxiety.

"Y/n!" You heard a tiny voice enter the room. You turned around to see your Goddaughter, Theodosia.

"Theo!" You exclaimed in an equally happy tone.

Theodosia ran towards you and jumped into your arms. You spun around with her in your arms and she giggled with joy.

"Sorry were late, Y/n, traffic was..." Aaron looked at Theo then you, "You know, then I got lost."

"As always." You added, and he rolled his eyes. You and Aaron have been best friends since college, and when him and Theodosia had Theodosia Jr., you stepped up to plate as her Godmother. Then the time came when Theodosia died unexpectedly, and you helped Aaron out of a bad spot in his life. Now you two were closer than ever. "It's fine, Aaron."

You let Theo down and she began to twirl around in her flower girl dress.

"Thanks for coming, Aaron, it means a lot." You two embraced in a hug, that helped to get out all the nervous energy that was building up.

"No problem, Y/n," He said back, pulling away from you then adding, playfully, "but I still don't like the thought of him as Theo's Godfather."

You chuckled and shoved him with your shoulder, "Too bad."

"Y/n, five minutes, Thomas is already at the alter." Dolley said, interrupting the moment.

"Thanks, Dolley." You smiled. He gave you a smile and looked over at Theo. "Theo, let's go with Dolley to get your flowers. We'll see Y/n in a little while."

"Okay..." Theo turned to you, after Aaron took her hand, and started leading her out the door, "Bye, bye."

"Bye, Theo, I love you!" You called after her.

"Love you too!" Theo called back,  and the door closed with a last nod from Dolley.


"Showtime, Thomas." Lafayette nudged Thomas shoulder as everyone stood up and turned towards the door when the wedding march started.

The doors of the church opened and Theodosia was seen buzzing with excitement as she took the flower petals out of her little basket and threw them into the air. She kept doing that as she walked down the aisle, then at the end, threw the rest of her flowers right next to the alter. She then turned and bounded towards her father, giggling happily.

The crowd awed and then turned back to the door.

You entered their line of view, looking down at your feet, scared to look up.

"Psst..." You looked over to see Dolley giving you a thumbs up,, and smiling at you, "Y/n... Look up, breathe, and walk!"

You nodded with a bit more confidence and took a deep breath.

Suddenly all eyes were on you as you walked down the aisle. Looking up you locked eyes with your soon to be husband. You saw him gasp at the sight of you in your beautifully tailored wedding dress. Thomas looked absolutely stunning to you in his suit and bowtie.

Before you knew it, you had made it down the aisle, and you were handing off your bouquet to Maria (who was your maid of honor).You looked up, and saw Thomas holding out his hand to help you up the stairs of the alter.

Your smile was contagious. Thomas didn't know that he could smile any wider until he did. You squeezed his hands, and stared into his eyes.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." You said back.

The priest/preacher cleared his throat which made the both of you break eye contact to look at him.

He smile at the sight of the two of you, and started, "We are gathered here today..."

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