5: Snap!

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John Laurens X Reader


"Babe! I'm home!" You said while looking around for any sign out John. When you heard music blasting and no answer back, you quickly coaxed in the three friends you and John both shared. They all shuffled through the door with their hands full. After they all got in, you closed the door behind you with your foot, your own hands full with a box.

You heard footsteps walking towards you and all four of you panicked. Your brother, Lafayette, quickly opened the door to the coat closet, shooing Alex and Herc inside, taking the box from your hands and going in himself. You shut the door quickly.

John whipped his head towards the sound of your voice, his face gaining a wide smile. "Y/N, How long have you been standing there!"

"Long enough..." You looked at his appearance and smiled. "Merde, Laurens, you clean up good." You laughed and leaned against the door frame. You heard a gag from inside the closet, and your cheeks flushed.

"Ready for our anniversary date tonight?" John asked you as his hair settled on the shoulders of his suit.

"Can't wait for it." You smiled.

"Good, but first, come here I have a present for you." John motioned for you to follow him and then went into your shared bedroom.

"I'll be right back guys." You whispered and started walking towards John.

A small, distressed, whisper emitted from the closet. "Don't leave us in here, Y/N..."

You shook your head, and headed back into the bedroom, and stood next to John who had stopped right next to the closed door. You heard rustling from inside and you raised an eyebrow.

"John, what's behind that door.... I SWEAR TO GOD IF ITS ANOTHER DOG I'LL KILL YOU!"

John had a thing for saving dogs from off the street and 'nursing them back to health'. You were fine with it, but at one point their were about 16 dogs in your apartment, and four in Laf's all at the same time, and you about went crazy.

"No, no! Y/N, calm down its not another dog... unfortunately..."

"Then what is it?"

"Why don't you find out?"

You rolled your eyes at his sly smile and opened the door to your room.

"Y/N!!" Three screaming girls came running to you screeching at the top of their lungs. They engulfed you in a hug making you loose balance for a second, but gaining it back.

"Angelica! Eliza!" You screamed back while hugging them back individually.

"And Peggy!" You both screamed at the same time hugging her too. Afterwards you looked at the three in disbelief. You hadn't seen them in years, and they were actually here!!

"That's not all!" John interrupted your squealing which you didn't realize you four were still doing. He took your arm and led you into the room.

You smile got bigger as you saw what was inside. Laying on the bed was...

A dress.

Not just any but the dress. It's the dress you'd been admiring for the past few weeks. You hardly wore dresses, but this one was too good to pass up. Hercules had made it in his shop and showed you the designs before he even got to work.

"B-but Herc said it wasn't for sale, that it was reserved..." Then the realization hit you. "CONNARD! YOU GOT THIS DRESS MADE FOR ME RIGHT UNDER MY NOSE!"

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