64: Tears Over Beers (6)

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James Madison X Reader


Hey, babes. This might be the last update for a while. I realize now that I might not be able to finish all the requests and series and still get to take a break. I love you all. I will be making another post with this same announcement, and also I'm sorry in advance. I will still write, and I will still be on this account, but I just have to find my influence again. Then I will come back as strong as ever. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! ENJOY AND CRY!!!! Also there is going to be one or two more chapters after this. I will announce more in my next post (including the earliest you can expect the new update).



"Hey! Here comes James!" Alex exclaimed, throwing his hands up. Alex liked James he was a good debater and seemed to be the only one in government who like the class besides him.

"Shut it, Hamilton." James seethed.

"Woah. Don't have to be so pissy." Alex mumbled under his breath as James stepped up to Hercules.

They were the same height, so they were looking eye to eye. James angry. Hercules confused.

Even though James was good at arguing, there would be none of that today.

The hallway went silent.

Suddenly, James arm reeled back and he connected his fist with Hercules jaw.

As Hercules went down, the jocks went into an uproar, half of them going for James to get back at him, the other half trying to help up and holding back Hercules. Then there was Thomas trying to fend the half off of them that went after James.

The fight began.


At that moment everyone froze and looked towards the voice.

Angelica stood there, tapping a foot and looking angrily at the group of boys. Eliza stood next to her looking equally angered. Behind them stood Peggy, their freshman sister holding onto a disheveled Y/n who was looking at the sight with pained eyes.

Angelica walked forward pushing the jocks away from Thomas and James, and pulling them away from the group.

Peggy turned around to the onlookers and shooed them away. "Move along. Nothing to see here."

"Shut up, freshy!" One of the sophomores yelled.

"Fight me!" Peggy said back, staying by your side all the while.

Eliza busied herself with fending off the administrators and security with words like, 'just a friendly scuffle' and ''nothing serious'.

Angelica turned James and Tom away from the group of jocks and pushed them to start moving. Peggy guided you to go after the three. You passed Hercules, but didn't meet his eye. You bit your lip to keep yourself calm. Eliza, finished with talking down the staff, walked after the group.

Alexander slid over to Eliza, "Hey, babe-"

"Alexander, if you touch me, I swear to god, you will burn." Eliza said through gritted teeth. Alex put his hands up in surrender, and stepped back. Eliza walked away and came up beside Y/n, holding onto her arm and rubbing it consolingly.

Alex scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Why is everyone so touchy today?"

Hercules looked after the group and straightened his letterman jacket, "You don't think they know do you?"

John shrugged, "I dont..."

At that moment, Peggy turned around and gave them two middle fingers, then gracefully turned back around and went back to consoling her hurting friend.

"They know." Lafayette confirmed.

"Goddamnit, it's only you guys' sophomore year and you're giving me stress." Angelica said, pulling Thomas and James away from the trope of jocks waiting to pummel them. Once they were a safe distance away, about two halls over, Ange stopped and turned to them. "You two start a fight with the entire football team, and half of the wrestling team. What the hell did you two think you were doing? More importantly, why?"

James opened his mouth to angrily explain, but Thomas, knowing how angry James was just by looking at his face, stopped him. Instead, he decided to explain the situation instead.

"Before you hear this story, you have to promise not to go off and fight them yourself." Thomas said, looking Angelica directly in her eyes.

Angelica rolled her eyes, "Oh, please, who do you think you're talking to? I have more self-control than that."

Thomas looked at James who shrugged and rested his head against a locker, preferably to cool down, Thomas sighed and turned back to Ange "Okay, see this is what happened..."


"LET ME GO!" Angelica screamed.

"ANGELICA, YOU PROMISED!" Thomas tried to reason, holding Angelica back from running down the hall and bitch slapping Hercules, John, Lafayette and Alexander all in one fell swoop.

Angelica looked back towards him, and glared. It almost made Thomas let her go, "I DON'T CARE! THAT BITCH IS GONNA DIE!"

"Ange..." Your small voice hardly rose over the screaming. You had been in the bathroom with Peggy and Eliza, they were currently standing behind you.

Even over the screaming, your voice was heard and Angelica's demeanor completely changed, she wormed out of Thomas' hold and rushed over to you, hugging you so tight you could hardly breathe.

James looked up at the sound of your voice. It sounded hoarse, like you had been crying and screaming for hours. He had the nerve to march back over there and finish what he started, but he knew you wouldn't want that.

"It's gonna be okay, Y/n. After I'm done with him, he won't bother you anymore. Okay-"

"No." You sobbed out. "Don't do anything to him. It's okay. I'm okay."

"No. You're not, Y/n. He needs to pay for what he did, or what he was going to do. I don't know- but the fact is, he can't get away with it."

"I know, and he won't. I just- I just need time. Okay?" You looked at the friends around you old and new. They nodded.

You then looked at the only person who didn't nod.


"Okay?" You repeated.

He looked skeptical, but nodded anyways, "Okay."

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