77: Mock Trial [1]

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Thomas Jefferson vs. Alexander Hamilton


"For your end of the year project..." Professor Washington said in suspense, pausing for effect.

No matter what the project was, you could tell that everyone in the room were already picking their groups in their heads. Naturally, you would pair up with the Hamilsquad. The Sisters, along with Maria, would become their own group. The Red Coats would huddle around George Frederick the Third, or The King, as you liked to call him, and last, but not least, The SMFDR's would huddle together in their little clique.

You rolled your eyes at the thought of them.

How anybody could challenge The King's Ego like Thomas Jefferson could, baffled you. You didn't hate the man, you just thought it annoying how he made everything about himself.

"...we are holding a mock trial!" Your professor announced, ending his sentence finally.

The suspense broke and the classroom cheered, thankful that the project wasn't the expected 50 page paper defending something like an argument between puppies or kittens. Next to you the Hamilsquad cheered louder than anyone else. You clapped, equally excited. Hercules handed out high fives to each of you.

"Alright, alright. Quiet down." Professor Washington put up his hands and lowered them, trying to get the noise down to a reasonable level.

The room slowly became more and more quiet, the last thing heard was you giving a loud high five to Hercules. You shook your hand off, feeling a slight sting from it.

You noticed the entire class looking at you, and you awkwardly lowered yourself back into your chair. "Sorry..."

"Going on. I will now assign you all roles. My decisions are final. The Red Coats. Sine you're the biggest group, I need 12 of you to be the jury and the other 36 will be the audience."

Immediately, The Red Coats started fighting over who would be in the Jury with The King. Washington ignored them and turned to the rest of you.

"Okay. Eliza will be the defendant. Maria will be the plaintiff-"

Eliza raised her hand.

"Yes, Ms. Schuyler?" Professor Washington asked, twirling the expo marking in his hand around.

"Is this a criminal case?" She asked.

"Yes." The professor turned away, but caught a glimpse of Eliza's hand shooting up again and turned back.

Eliza continued with her questioning, "What did I do?"

"You... Are accused of causing serious assault to Miss Reynolds because she slept with your husband." Professor Washington answered after a moment of thought.

"Heavens. I would never do that. I mean... maybe to me husband, but not to Maria she would never do that, right?" Eliza took her hand and smiled happily.

Maria sent an awkward smile back, "...Yeah, definitely."

You raised an eyebrow. Sounded sketchy, but you didn't care. You just wanted to know which side you would be on. All that was left was the teams for the defendant and plaintiff lawyers.

"Oh crap." George mumbled, realizing his mistake. Putting SMFDR and your squad together was a horrible idea, but now he couldn't go back.

After all, he said himself, "My decisions are final".

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