23: What Comes Next?: Awake (3)

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King George X Reader


Alexander woke George up to tell him that he had to go to a meeting.

"Who gave you the right to wake me up this early? It's been like an hour since I went to sleep!" George growled.

"Y/N- George-I forget you're still in there-it's been five hours." Alex rolled his eyes.

"And..." George coaxed for Alex to give a better reason than that.

"Nothing, just stay in the house I don't need you running around alone." And with that Alex left and George went back to sleep.

George woke up to a pain in his gut that made him curl up in pain. What the bloody hell was Y/N doing to his body????

Then, there was a knock on the door. The knock was persistent and it seemed like the person wasn't going away.

"WILL SOMEONE KINDLY ANSWER THE BLOODY DOOR BEFORE I EXECUTE EVERYONE?!?!?" George called out, irritated that he couldn't get any sleep.

When nobody answered and the knocking didn't stop, George remembered that he wasn't in England anymore. He groggily got up, trudged down the stairs, and found his way to the front door.

"What the fuck do you want?!" George yelled squinting at the person in front of him. The sun was too high.

The person, who seemed to be the mailman, flinched at the sight of the girl in front of him.

George could understand, Y/N's make up might be smudged and hair out of whack.

The man cleared his throat, "Sorry, Miss Hamilton, I just have the daily updates for your brother. If you could give them to him that would be great-"

George perked up, taking the letter from him, "Of course, thank you. Bye!"

He closed the door and rushed into the office to read the confidential letters with haste, no telling when that fool Alexander would be back.


Only a few hours left, thank god. You hated being in a male's body, they're so... bulky, it's impossible to get around without knocking into something, and don't even start on body odor.

All you wanted was to wake up in your own body, in your own bed, and be a goddamn woman again. God, you wouldn't even mind those painful corsets at this point.

Thankfully, nobody needed the King today, but just for safety precautions, you told one of his servants, a lovely girl named Martha, not to disturb you, or rather him, at all.

You didn't do much all day, besides write various letters to George about various topics to occupy your mind. Because to be frank, you were uncertain how your future with George would play out, would the two of you get married? Hell would you and him even get along?

"Of course we would, we're soulmates for God's sake" You contradicted your own train of thought.

If the two of you did get along and you got married, that would make you Queen. A Queen of a country you weren't even born in, a country that waged war on your homeland.

Even more so, you could never be fit to rule. You were indecisive and couldn't stand being in front of a crowd, and having people look up to you sounded like hell on earth.

What if you said the wrong thing? You were constantly afraid of the way people thought of you...

"Enough of the negativity, you're stressing yourself out" You told yourself.

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