72: Happy Anniversary

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Peggy Schuyler X Reader


"Peggy! I'm home!" You said as you entered your shared apartment.

"Don't come in the kitchen!" You girlfriend exclaimed.

"Why...?" You asked and made your way towards the kitchen. A thin layer of smoke filled you vision and you started to cough and hack.

"No reason..." She answered back.

As you got closer you smelled the all too familiar scent of something burning. Familiar, because everytime Peggy cooked something, she almost burned the house down.

"Peggy, why do I smell something burning?" You hurried towards the kitchen, scared to find another fire.

"Don't-!" She stepped out of the kitchen and blocked your view into it. "Worry about it, Y/n. Just go sit down, you've been working all say."

You didn't move, but instead rose an eyebrow.

She in turn, narrowed her stance, and placed her hands on her hips raising a tougher and more persistent eyebrow, that you didn't dare fight with.

"Okay... Just don't blow up the microwave... again."

"Hey! That was one time, and I didn't know that you're not supposed to put foil in the microwave." Peggy defended, and turned back around to go back into the kitchen.

You plopped down on the living room couch and sighed, "Soooo..."

"Soooo..." Peggy repeated. You heard a crash, and jumped, tempted to ask what it was that broke.

"What are you cooking?"

"It's a surprise!"

You groaned, "Give me a hint!"

"No! I don't want you to guess!"

"Why not?" You felt like a pouting child.

"'Cause you'll guess right! You always guess right." Peggy said, giving you a valid reason.

You sighed, "Okay, then I won't guess. Can you just tell me when it will be-"

"-done!" Peggy exclaimed. "Y/n, close your eyes!"

"Peggy-" You started to protest.

"Just close your eyes, babe." Peggy encouraged you, and you complied, closing your eyes and not seeing what she set down on the coffee table in front of you.


You opened your eyes to see a frosted one layer cake in front of you with the words "Happy Anniversary" on the top, and one candle, it up with a flickering flame.

"Now, which anniversary is this one." Peggy loved to bake cakes, but she always needed a reason, so she would come up with fake wacky anniversaries in order to do it, so this happened almost every week. You should have known.

She thought for a second, "I... didn't think of... Oh! Happy... First Time I Baked a Cake For You a Year Ago Anniversary!"

She smiled widely, doing jazz hands, and you couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay." You smiled back and pressed a kiss to Peggy's cheek. "Happy First Time You Baked a Cake For Me a Year Ago Anniversary, Peggy."

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