Where Jack went

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Jack G's POV

I waited at the door for an answer, hours felt like they went past when it was only a few minutes. Then the door opened. I have no idea why I decided to come here, it was a stupid idea, a stupid mistake.

'Oh hey jack. Long time no speak.' Andrea said to me. I gulped before opening my mouth to speak to her.

'Well last time we spoke you accused me of giving you an std so I don't blame myself.' I replied. Andrea gave me a sarcastic smile before letting me inside. I used to know her house so well, know it's layout and everything.

'So what bought you to my house?' Andrea asked, opening the fridge and biting her lip. If she was trying to be sexy it really wasn't working.

'Jack and I are having a rough patch and I just needed someone to talk to. Cameron is in a bit of a sad spot at the minute but you, you're always there for me.' I said looking down at the floor.

'You can't just waltz on over here acting like you own the place. I don't care about how fucked up you and your boyfriends relationship is. I never wanted you guys to be together I. The first place. I bet that's really what this is. You, coming to rub it inmy face that you would rather be with a guy then over me.' Andrea shouted at me, I backed away toward the door and managed to get outside. Andrea was running behind me.

'I'm sorry it was a mistake,' I called to her. She continued to chase me so I ran to the second nearest house I knew. It wasn't a long run and I knew his parents wouldn't be in. I knocked on the door gently and there was no reply. I was about to turn and walk away when I hear a muffled moan from inside the house. Worried, I found the key under e door mat and opened up the door and let myself inside. I moved out to the back of the house and there on top of the table was Sam,giving it quite hard to Dillon.

'Sorry for interrupting.' I said loudly. Sam quickly looked over his shoulder at me before covering up his ass.

'Gilinsky! Shit. Bro I didn't know you were coming. Over.' He said, trying to do everything to save his dignity.

'Clearly.' I said, looking round sam and to Dillon who was not covering anything at all on top of the table. 'I'll give you two some time to sort yourselves out. I'll be in the living room.' I said, grabbing a bag of Cheetos off the side. Sam always had a bag lying around somewhere.

After around half an hour the two of them arrived in front of me. Dillon was bright red, obviously very embarrassed about what had happened. Sam was awkwardly hopping fro, foot to foot like a flamingo with no balance at all.

'So what bought you over here?' Sam asked. He sat down beside me and Dillon sat down on the floor. I saw him wince as his bum hit the floor.

'Jack and I have had an argument and I just needed someone to talk to.' I said. Sam smiled at me and Dillon just found his phone and started to play games on it. Probably crossy road, he'd apparently become addicted to it, according. To his Twitter

'Oh sorry bro. What did you say?' Sam asked, he was giving me an inquisitive stare.

'I called him a snob, and he was just extremely rude back to me. I snapped at him and he snapped back at me much worse. It hurts knowing that he could be like that with me.' I said to Sam. He glanced over at Dillon.

'Bro I don't know what to suggest, I'd say just get home and talk to him. We're all under so much stress right now with nash and everything, we're all losing our heads a little bit. I mean, Dillon and I were not meant to happen, it just did.' Sam said

'And Dillon looks so interested.' I said sarcastically

'Dillon is listening you know. Even though I'm not looking I can still hear.' Dillon said from the corner, looking up over the top of his phone. 'Just go home Jack and make up with Jack. Leave Sam and I to finish our business that you rudely interrupted.' Dillon said. I rolled my eyes before standing up.

'It's fine, I see where I am clearly not wanted.' I replied and made my way back to Jack and cameron at home. I unlocked he door quickly. Cameron was asleep on the sofa and Jack was sat at his desk chair with his headphones on. I put all my stuff down before wrapping my arms around jacks waist and resting my chin on his shoulder.

'I'm sorry baby.' I said to him, kissing his neck gently

'It's ok. Where have you been? I've been worried sick!' Jack whisper shouted to me. Being careful so that he didn't wake cameron.

'Just around. But I'm back now. I love you.' I said to him

'I love you too.'

(OMG sorry I took so long to update. Please
Comment and do all the other awesome stuff you do. I love you all dxxxxxx)

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