Journey to Magcon

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Jack J's POV

We were all awoken the next morning by some loud banging sounds outside the doors. Jack got out of bed to see what it was, as he opened the door I pulled my duvet sheet up, just to cover myself. Jack came back over to the bed and flopped beside me.

'Just Bart banging on all the doors, he wants everyone awake.' Jack said, he kissed ,y forehead lightly before jumping up and going into the shower. While he was in the shower I decided to go through his phone, I mean every guy should be able to go through his boyfriends phone. I unlocked it using his swipe code and decided to go on his messages, I don't know why I was expecting to see a lot of messages to girls or something, but the lest person he text was his mom. And just to check I even checked his call log. I knew he left his Twitter and everything logged in so I decided to tweet from his account.

@jackgilinsky: my boyfriend is just bæ and he is perfect 💕

An instant swarm of fans tweeted and retweeted with a lot of #jolinsky and it made me smile. I heard he shower stop so I quickly put jacks phone down and got out of bed. I hid behind where he door is and waited for Jack to come out. As he did so I jumped on hi back, he screamed so I started to laugh.

'Babe I suppose you think you're funny.' Jack said to me and I smiled

'I do it because I love you.' I said with a cheeky grin and Jack smiled back at me

'I know you do. You just have a special way of showing it.' He said. We both decided to actually get dressed so we both picked matching tops and bottoms with our black vans. We both styled our hair before we went outside into the hallway and found Bart stood with all the other boys. Carter and Matt were stood awkwardly side by side, I could have cut the tension with a knife.

'So you guys, and girl.' Bart said, winking at mahogany, 'I'm taking you to the location and letting you guys do what you want. Just no funny business please.' He said and we all smiled at him. Bart led us to the minivan which was surrounded by loads of fans, Jack grabbed my hand and pulled me through the middle of them. We chose our seats and sat down and watched as Cameron and Nash were basically kidnapped by the fans. Everyone else ,managed to get into the van except them.

'What do you think they'd do if we drove off?' Taylor asked us with a smirk. All of us looked at the driver and the driver started the van. He pulled away and we looked out the back window at Cameron and Nash as they tried to run after us. All of us started to laugh as they ran like headless chickens. The driver broke suddenly and cameron ran into the back of the van and Nash tripped into cameron. When they both were sane again we let the, open the door and jump inside.

'How much do I bet that was Taylor who suggested driving away.' Nash said to us all.

'No point betting if you already know.' Taylor said and Nash messed up Taylors hair.

We were driving for around twenty minutes when we finally pulled up at our destination. The place looked a mess and like it was going to fall down. Taylor and Shawn were the first two out of the van so we let the, go and investigate first.

'Looks like the roof will fall on someone.' I heard jacob say to mahogany.

'I really don't want to go in there.' Dillon said.

'Guys it will be fine. We wouldn't be allowed to perform here if it wasn't safe.' Nash said and he stood up and followed Shawn and Taylor. The rest of us looked at each other before doing the same. I was the second to last one out of e van and as I stepped out Carter grabbed my arm

'I need to speak to you, you and Jack.' He said. I tapped Jack on the shoulder and pulled him over to where Carter and I stood.

'What's up bro?' Jack asked him

'I woke up with Matt this morning. I can't remember last night at all but I woke up in bed with matt is morning and we were both shirtless.' Carter stated and he was shaking nervously.

'Can he remember anything.'

'No I'm too scared to ask.' Carter said

'He's your best friend.' Jack said

'Correction. Was my best friend, apparently I lost that privilege when I dumped him for maggie.'

'Understandable.' I said and Jack whacked me in the chest. I rubbed my chest with my hand

'I suppose you're right. I don't know what happened though, what if we did something together?' Carter said worriedly.

'If you did I'm sure everything will be ok.' Jack said.

If only he was right.

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