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Jack J's POV

Cameron and I spent a few hours putting all of the invitations into envelopes and shutting them. We then sorted them into piles of what went where. We then phoned around making sure that the church was able to take the funeral and then we tried to find a caterer but we failed miserably on the catering front.

'Maybe we could just buy one of those subway platters and have their mini subs.' Cameron suggested.

'Do you really want mini subs at your boyfriends funeral?' I asked himm with a raised eyebrow.

'Well he did use to like them.' Cameron said. I looked at him before phoning the nearest subway and asking them if they could do the order, in wich they kindly said they could and that they were sorry for our loss. I went to find cameron who was sat on his bed looking at suits on his phone. I leant against his doorframe, watching him.

'Are you ok.' I asked him. He looked up at me and his eyes were watery, he was obviously thinking about Nash. He loved him so much.

'Yeah, I'll survive.' I was about to turn and walk away when he spoke to me again. 'Jack?' He asked


'Do you think that, if it happened, I can fall in love with another guy, and be with them? Do you think Nash would mind?' Cameron asked. His eyes were full of sadness.

'I think Nash would want you to be happy. So whatever makes you happy is what Nash would agree with.' I replied.

'Thanks.' Cameron said with a small smile.

I left him alone in his room and went over to the pile of invitations on the table. I could deliver the local ones but I'd have to post the others and hope that they get there in time. Ill make sure that the postal depot know that they are very important letters.

'Cameron I'm just going to post these letters.' I called out to him. I heard him mumble ok so I left. The lift in our block of apartments wasn't working so I had to walk down all the stairs. I felt the urge to be like Sheldon Cooper and make up a little song to help me go down the stairs, but I didnt. When I got outside it was hotter than I was expecting. I walked to the post depot and explained to the woman behind the desk that the letters needed to get to their destination tomorrow and she said that she'd put them in he group of letters that were just about to leave. I then walked to various people's houses, JC Caylens, Kian Lawleys, and the Janoskians house. They were actually in which shocked me a lot.

'Oh hey Jack, how are you?' Beau said to me in his Australian accent

'Im doing ok, it's cameron that's not.' I replied

'Hey, what about us all going to a water park tomorrow. Or going to Disney Land for the day?' Beau said and I could hear Jai shouting that he wanted to from in the kitchen.

'Yeah, that sounds good. Do you guys want to come and get Cam and I, because he's in no fit state to drive.' I said and Beau nodded his head.

'Sure, if thats what you want Johnson then that is fine. How's Gilinsky?' Beau asked

'We broke up.' I replied. James' head then popped out round a door frame and Jai emerged from the kitchen. Daniel came out from inside the bathroom and I heard Luke cough from between Beau's legs. Since when was he there?


'I WAS ROUTING FOR YOU GUYS!' Luke said from on the floor

'We just weren't working out. Thats all. So I ended it about 4 hours ago.' I said and they all just looked at me. 'Any way I must be going, I need to go and post the rest of these letters.' I said before quickly dashing away from their house. The last invite I needed to post was Jack's but I had no idea where he would be, and I didnt want to call him. So I walked to Amanda's house, and as much as I thought, when I walked up to the door, Jack was sat on the sofa laughing with Amanda. I knocked on the door and Jack opened the door. He was laughing as he opened the door but as he turned and saw me his face dropped.

'Jack. What are you doing here?' He asked. He came out of the house and pulled the door to. I could see Amanda trying to look out the window to see who was there. I hid behind one of the bushes that were lined up in front of the door.

'I came to give you your invite to Nash's funeral. I knew you'd be here with your new fuck buddy.' I said stroppily. I threw his invite to him before storming off down the street. I heard the door slam properly and then Jack calling my name. I turned the corner in the hope that I'd lose Jack but instead he came out in front of me.

'I'm sorry.' He said to me

'No youre not. Just leave me alone. I'll see you at nashs funeral.' I replied and walked off in the oppostie direction.

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