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Jack J's POV

'What is there to explain Jack? Were best friends, you have other friends.' I said, why was I being nice

'I wanted to explain why I left.'


'I like her a lot Jack and I could be with her, I can't be with the other person I like...love.'

'Well lucky her.' It hurt me for some reason, hearing Jack say he loved someone else.

'Taylor told me to talk to you.'

'Taylor would because Taylor is nice, he doesn't ditch his best friends.'

'Jack come on,'

'No it's fine, you go and leave me and have lunch with Amanda, cuz I'm done Jack I'm so done.'

'Jack it was one little thing.'

'We haven't had a day together just us in months and when the opportunity finally arises, I get ditched.'

'It wasn't like that.'

'Then what was it like? You left me and I looked like an idiot Jack.'

'Im sorry.'

'Sometimes sorry just doesn't cut it.' I was softly crying. Jack wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, we were both standing. I shook out of his arms and walked towards the bathroom. He put his foot in the door so I couldn't shut it.

'Jack please.' He said to me coming towards me. 'Im sorry. You're my best friend, please listen.'

'I don't want to listen to any bullshit. She comes before me because you want to date her. I see how it is.' I left our hotel room and went to Cameron and Nash's because I knew the guys would still be in there. I knocked on the door and Aaron opened it, he let me straight through. I started crying. Taylor immediately stood up and gave me a hug, shortly followed by Shawn, Aaron, Hayes and Carter. Nash and Cameron were busy playing around with each other so they didn't pay any attention to me and Matt was in the bathroom.

'Do you wanna talk in private?' Taylor asked me. I nodded slightly. He took hold of my left hand and took me into his room, I looked over to my room and saw Jack standing in the doorway. I looked down at the floor and shut the door behind me and Taylor.

'Whats wrong Jack?'

'It stings.'

'What stings?'

'He said he likes her and that he loves someone else. And that stings.'

'It stings because you like him, that's nothing to be ashamed of. Love comes in all forms, it doesn't matter who you fall in love with.'


'It doesn't matter that you like Jack. It's perfectly fine with me because it's not a bad thing and I know you're not interested in me. I'm Taylor Caniff, I get shipped with Shawn.'


'Exactly. Now you and Jack, you need to decide what's up. Why are you so angry with him?'

'He asked me in the morning what I wanted to do today, I said do some shopping in the mall. We were sat on the bench holding hands and we looked like perfect friends, then she walked past and he walked off. Leaving me on the bench looking like an idiot. That was when I came back to the beach and you kissed me and then I realised kissing boys is better than kissing girls.'

'Right, ok. Would you like me to have a chat with Jack.'

'No, I don't know. He talks to Shawn a lot.'

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