The bad news

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Aaron's POV

'Hayes wait up!' I called as. I saw Hayes running down the corridor following after the others. He stopped and turned to face me, giving me a huge smile as he did so.

'Hey bro.' He said

'Hey. Why are you so much behind them lot?' I asked him

'I, err, I had to talk to my dad on the phone, so I rang him.'

'Oh, ok, why did you have to ring your dad, if you don't mind me asking?'


'Its ok you don't have to tell me, I just thought, seeing as we are best friends, you'd tell me.'

'A while ago, Cameron, Carter Nash and I had a fall out with Bart. And we asked my dad about the future and stuff, and he then set up a new talent agency,for me Cameron, Nash and Carter so that we could become more godown up and get noticed for what we want to do rather than keep doing Magcon. So we asked Bart if we could leave Magcon, and he said yes. Aaron, our next Magcon after tomorrow is our last Magcon together. Cameron, Nash, Carter and I are leaving.' Hayes said. It didn't set in straight away, I was a but confused.

'You mean, you quit Magcon.'

'In a way.'

'Will I see you again?'

'Of course you will Aaron, you're my best friend, you'll see me again. Magcon won't change, I've heard from my dad that Bart has some new people wanting to join Magcon, so he said they could, there are 2 new boys from what my dad said but there could be more.'

'Im gonna miss seeing you Hayes,'

'Im going to miss seeing you too.'

'I love you Hayes.'

'I know you do Aaron.' Hayes leant in for a hug and we walked down to the beach together in silence, I was in shock, our most famous guys were leaving, leaving. And there was nothing we could do about it. Bart had already replaced them. When we arrived at the beach everyone looked very happy as they were all in the sea messing around. Nash saw Hayes arrive and he quickly ran out of the sea and charged at Hayes.

'Why are you so late?' Nash asked

'I just spoke to dad.' Hayes replied and Nash grabbed Hayes' arm and called down to Cameron to come over here. They walked off together up the beach and I ran down to the sea and started messing around with the others. Mahogany could tell something wasn't right with me and she did me the greatest pleasure of making sure everyone knew about it.

'Whats wrong?' She asked

'Nothing.' I said

'Guys we have a miserable guy over here, I think he needs a good soaking.' Mahogany shouted and all the boys just started to splash me with as much water as they could possibly find. Mahogany was laughing and Jacob was cuddling with her in the sea. After a while they stopped splashing me and we all laughed without stopping for about 5 minutes before Cameron, Nash and Hayes came back.

'Guys we have some news.' Hayes said

'Is it good or bad news?' Taylor asked

'Ummm.' Hayes said

'Id say it was bad news.' Cameron said and Hayes smiled at him. Cameron moved away from Hayes and made sure that Nash was between them. Nash laughed at his boyfriends stupidity.

'Well spit it out then!' Taylor said.

'Cameron, Nash, Carter and I are leaving Magcon.' Hayes said. Taylor's jaw dropped open and Shawn had to close it. Jack and Jack looked shocked and Mahogany looked on the verge of tears. Jacob looked a bit lost and Matt, Matt was crying. Hayes looked at me and I smiled slightly to let him know that it was ok. Hayes ran to me and jumped into my arms and snuggled his head into the crook of my neck. I heard his soft sobs of his crying and I started crying too. Jacob joined our hug and so did Mahogany, then Taylor and Shawn joined in and Matt and Carter. Then Cameron and Nash jumped on top of all of us with Jack and Jack cuddling them. It was a massive bundle of teenagers who were all crying in the sea. We all fell apart into the sea and looked at each other.

'We better make the most of our time together then shouldn't we?' Taylor said and Nash nodded.

'How did this coke about?' Mahogany asked

'We wanted to become bigger in what we do, as we all kinda want to act we needed a talent scout so we got Nash andHayes' dad to help us and he set up a whole management company for us and we decided it would be better to focus on our future careers then on Magcon. We still love all the fans and everyone. And Magcon will go ahead as normal, just without us, but we might pop in every now and then.' Carter explained.

'Youre all gonna be missed.' Taylor said

'I know.' Cameron said

'How many Magcons have you left?' Jacob asked

'Tomorrow and one more before we leave.' Cameron said.

'Then we really need to make the most of this time together.' Taylor said. And we all nodded. None of us really wanted to go back to splashing each other, we were too upset. I was annoyed that they had kept this from us for such a long period of time. I thought Hayes would have said something to me, but obviously not. And that hurt, knowing your best friend had kept such a huge thing from you,

Jack J's POV

Jack and I were cuddling on the sand after we heard the news. Jack really wanted to go back to the hotel so we slowly started to move up the beach towards our stuff so that we could leave. Jack was upset more than I was that they were leaving, but he gets on better with the whole group than I do, they find me annoying.

'I think we should give them a huge send off.' Jack said

'How?' I asked

'Well we throw a massive party in the hotel after their last Magcon with us and then they'll never forget us.'

'Jack we will see them again.'

'I know I meow, but it won't be the same will it. It's splitting up a family.'


'We are like a family unit here. We are all annoying children and Mags and Jacob are our parents who kind of ignore us when we are in hotel rooms.'

'Jack I'm worried about you,'

'Im worried about me too. I'm sad Jack, I need cheering up.' Jack said and he gave me a nudge in my side

'Do you? How about we get ice cream.' I said winking at him

'Only if you want to lick my ice cream.' Jack said and I gulped. He laughed 'scared you can't take me little boy.' Jack said to me

'Oh I can take you alright.' I said

'Well then, we better get back to the hotel and see...' Jack said holding me hand and pulling me up to him where he proceeded to pull me slowly and seductively through the street and back to our hotel room.

(Hi guys, sorry this chapter is so short....the next one is going to be quite long seeing as it's a Magcon scene. Well anyway, I thought I'd bring in the fact that carter, Cameron, Nash and Hayes aren't in Magcon anymore. I know it's not how it happened but YOLO! Drama right?

Anyway I love you all, and. I hope you enjoy the rest of this story.

Oh and I changed my twitter so check out my bio to find all my social media links if you ever feel like adding me on anything. If you send me a snapchat I will always reply.

Once again I love you all

Anna xxxxx)

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