Little bit of drama

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(Can I just start with omg nearly 75k reads. You guys are all so totally awesome. I didn't think my Jack and Jack fanfic would have the most reads out of all my stories but it does and that's awesome.)

Jack G's POV

I woke up in the morning with Jack cuddled into my side, his blond hair was sticking up at awkward angles all over the place. I kissed the top of his head before moving away gently from beneath him. He stirred a little but didn't wake up. I sighed to myself and found myself some clean clothes to wear before washing my face and spraying some deodorant. When I was done I saw Jack was now sat upright in bed and was scrolling through his phone, probably twitter.

'I feel sorry for some fans.' He said randomly

'So do I.' I replied, not really knowing what he meant

'I mean, the poor british fans have to deal with all this time difference and they have to deal, with us never going to England.' Jack said

'We'll go there one day.' I said and I flopped onto the bed beside him. Jack rolled over so he was facing me and he smiled.

'Dude, you need to go clean your teeth,' I said to him and he giggled

'Sorry mom.' Jack replied with a smirk. I shook my head at him before getting off of the bed and going downstairs. My mom was in the kitchen doing something with the oven and my dad was stood on the island fixing a light, I laughed at the sight. My mom turned to looked at me from her spot in the kitchen and she called me into the kitchen.

'Jack's mom doesn't like the idea of him living here with you Jack.' My mom said seriously

'But you and her are like, best friends, surely you can make her.' I said sounding desperate

'I thought I could Jack but I can't. So I have some bad news to tell you.' My mom said

'What?' I asked enquiringly.

'Jacks mom is moving them all away from Omaha.' My mom said and my dad stopped fixing the light. My heart felt like it shattered into millions of little pieces.

'Where are they moving too?' I asked even though I didn't really want to know he answer

'Florida.' My mom said

'Why is he moving to Florida? Mom please you have to stop her. I wouldn't be able to see Jack!' I shouted as Jack came into the kitchen changed and ready for the day. I looked at him and pulled him close to my side. My mom smiled at the pair of us.

'Im sorry Jack but I can't do anything.' My mom said 'you boys are both eighteen. Why don't you both do something about it?' My mom said and she raised her eyebrows at Jack and I.

'Oh cuz we can do so much at eighteen mom. Well done smart move.' I said sarcastically and Jack slapped my arm as I was being rude to my mom. He hated it when I did it.

'You can buy an apartment Jack.' My mom said and she looked at my dad who had got off of the island and was now stood on the floor beside my mom. Jack was glancing from me to my parents.

'Whats going on? ' Jack asked

'Your mom wants to move you away from here, to Florida. I'll never see you.' I said ad I started to cry

'Jack I won't let that happen, it can't happen. I love you too much for that to happen.'

'Love doesn't solve everything Jack, it just covers up the pain of something else and gives you something to focus on.' I said grumpily and I left the room. Jack remained in his spot and was talking quietly to my parents. I opened the front door and walked to Sam's house, at least he wasn't going anywhere. When I arrived the door was already open and Sam was sat on the bottom step of his stairs. He glanced up at me as I filled the doorway.

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